Osoba (Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Osoba" in Serbo-Croatian language version.

Global rank Serbo-Croatian rank
471st place
133rd place


  • Geddes, Leonard (1911). „Person”. Catholic Encyclopedia. 11. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Pristupljeno 9. marta 2011. »The Latin word persona was originally used to denote the mask worn by an actor. From this it was applied to the role he assumed, and, finally, to any character on the stage of life, to any individual. [Latinska riječ persona izvorno se upotrebljavala za označvanje maske koju je nosio glumac. Odatle je ona primijenjena na ulogu koju je on preuzeo i, konačno, na svaki lik na sceni života, na svakog pojedinca.]«.