Popis deista (Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Popis deista" in Serbo-Croatian language version.

Global rank Serbo-Croatian rank
1st place
1st place
6th place
5th place
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1,537th place
783rd place
1,648th place
837th place
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197th place
68th place
1,041st place
1,288th place
6,119th place
2,783rd place
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7th place
26th place
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462nd place
687th place
661st place
8,242nd place
1,379th place
239th place
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4,829th place
1,765th place
7,574th place
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9,025th place
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26th place
86th place
1,133rd place
1,041st place
1,295th place
724th place
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1,021st place
557th place
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low place
27th place
42nd place
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1,019th place
1,040th place
low place
6,029th place



  • Domenico Monetti. „HARMONY ENFANT TERRIBLE All Korine's Transgressions”. Pristupljeno 24. lipnja 2012. »"Even though I was born into a Jewish family, I don't belong to any religion. I'm not an atheist, I believe in a higher power. You have to believe in something, otherwise it would be hard getting out of bed in the morning." Harmony Korine and scandals.« 


  • Charles Bigg (1895). Neoplatonism. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. str. 50. Pristupljeno 29. lipnja 2012. »The reason for this low-pitched morality Atticus discerned, and here again he was right, in the Deism of Aristotle. Deism regards God as creating and equipping the world, and then leaving it to itself.« 
  • Gary R. Habermas, David J. Baggett, ur. (2009.). Did the Resurrection Happen?: A Conversation With Gary Habermas and Antony Flew. InterVarsity Press. str. 105. ISBN 9780830837182. Pristupljeno 29. lipnja 2012. »While he mentioned evil and suffering, I did wonder about Tony's juxtaposition of choosing either Aristotle's Deism or the freewill defense, which he thinks “depends on the prior acceptance of a framework of divine revelation.« 
  • Francesca Aran Murphy (2004.). Art and Intellect in the Philosophy of Étienne Gilson. University of Missouri Press. str. 179. ISBN 9780826215369. Pristupljeno 11. srpnja 2012. »But when thirteenth-century Parisian philosophers were atheists, Gilson said, “the deism of Averroës was their natural philosophy”:...« 
  • Nancy Thorndike Greenspan (2005.). The End of the Certain World: The Life and Science of Max Born : the Nobel Physicist who Ignited the Quantum Revolution. Basic Books. str. 58–62. ISBN 9780738206936. Pristupljeno 19. lipnja 2012. »Max later traced his reluctance to his father, who had taught him not to believe in a God who punished, rewarded, or performed miracles. Like his father, he based his morality on his "own conscience and on an understanding of human life within a framework of natural law." ...Born, in fact, was no longer Jewish. His mother-in-law had worn him down. In March 1914, after a few religion lessons in Berlin, he was baptized a Lutheran by the pastor who had married him to Hedi. As he later explained, "there were...forces pulling in the opposite direction [to my own feelings]. The strongest of these was the necessity of defending my position again and again, and the feeling of futility produced by these discussions [with Hedi and her mother]. In the end I made up my mind that a rational being as I wished to be, ought to regard religious professions and churches as a matter of no importance.... It has not changed me, yet I never regretted it. I did not want to live in a Jewish world, and one cannot live in a Christian world as an outsider. However, I made up my mind never to conceal my Jewish origin."« 
  • June Z. Fullmer (2000.). Young Humphry Davy: The Making of an Experimental Chemist, Volume 237. American Philosophical Society. str. 158. ISBN 9780871692375. Pristupljeno 24. lipnja 2012. »In prominent alliance with his concept, Davy celebrated a natural-philosophic deism, for which his critics did not attack him, nor, indeed, did they bother to mention it. Davy never appeared perturbed by critical attacks on his "materialism" because he was well aware that his deism and his materialism went hand in hand; moreover, deism appeared to be the abiding faith of all around him.« 
  • James J. Heckman (2009.). „James J. Heckman”. u: William Breit, Barry T. Hirsch. Lives of the Laureates, Fifth Edition: Twenty-three Nobel Economists (5 izd.). MIT Press. str. 303–304. ISBN 9780262012768. Pristupljeno 24. rujna 2012. »If I had any religion at that time, it was Deism. I was impressed by God the watchmaker.« 
  • The Templar Code For Dummies. John Wiley & Sons. 2007.. str. 256. ISBN 9780470127650. Pristupljeno 9. srpnja 2012. »Da Vinci was definitely an esoteric character and a man of contrasts; a bastard son who rose to prominence; an early Deist who worshipped the perfect machine of nature to such a degree that he wouldn't eat meat, but who made his first big splash designing weapons of war; a renowned painter who didn't much like painting, and often didn't finish them, infuriating his clients; and a born engineer who loved nothing more than hours spent imagining new contraptions of every variety.« 
  • Keith Stewart Thomson (2009.). The Young Charles Darwin. Yale University Press. str. 109. ISBN 9780300136081. Pristupljeno 20. travnja 2012. »In his religious views, Lyell was essentially a deist, holding the position that God had originally created the world and life on it, and then had allowed nature to operate according to its own (God-given) natural laws, rather than constantly intervening to direct and shape the course of all history.« 
  • Albert E. Moyer (1983). American Physics in Transition: A History of Conceptual Change in the Late Nineteenth Century. Springer. str. 40. ISBN 9780938228066. Pristupljeno 17. lipnja 2012. »This deistic leaning persisted in Mayer's thought.« 
  • Michael D. Gordin (2004.). A Well-ordered Thing: Dmitrii Mendeleev And The Shadow Of The Periodic Table. Basic Books. str. 230. ISBN 9780465027750. Pristupljeno 30. kolovoza 2012. »Mendeleev's son Ivan later vehemently denied claims that his father was devoutly Orthodox: "I have also heard the view of my father's 'church religiosity' — and I must reject this categorically. From his earliest years Father practically split from the church — and if he tolerated certain simple everyday rites, then only as an innocent national tradition, similar to Easter cakes, which he didn't consider worth fighting against." ...Mendeleev's opposition to traditional Orthodoxy was not due to either atheism or a scientific materialism. Rather, he held to a form of romanticized deism.« 
  • Charles Paul Enz (2002.). No Time to Be Brief: A Scientific Biography of Wolfgang Pauli. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198564799. Pristupljeno 10. travnja 2012. »At the same time Pauli writes on 11 October 1957 to the science historian Shmuel Sambursky whom he had met on his trip to Israel (see Ref. [7], p. 964): 'In opposition to the monotheist religions — but in unison with the mysticism of all peoples, including the Jewish mysticism - I believe that the ultimate reality is not personal.'« 
  • Joseph Brent (1998). Charles Sanders Peirce: A Life (2 izd.). Indiana University Press. str. 18. ISBN 9780253211613. Pristupljeno 24. rujna 2012. »Peirce had strong, though unorthodox, religious convictions. Although he was a communicant in the Episcopal church for most of his life, he expressed contempt for the theologies, metaphysics, and practices of established religions.« 
  • J. L. Heilbron (2003.). „1: Cambridge and Ray Physics”. Ernest Rutherford. Oxford University Press. str. 13. ISBN 9780195123784. Pristupljeno 14. travnja 2013. »He emerged a clever teenager, cheerful and strong, with a good earthy sense of humor, no airs, a wide set of manual skills, no obvious genius, an indifference to religion, and, despite having many sisters, a remarkable shyness with girls.« 
  • Kendrick Oliver (2012.). To Touch the Face of God: The Sacred, the Profane, and the American Space Program, 1957–1975. JHU Press. ISBN 9781421408347. Pristupljeno 6. travnja 2013. »Verne himself is best characterized as a kind of Catholic deist, deeply intrigued by the idea of God but unconvinced that he was at work in the world; and Verne was largely uninterested in the figure of Christ.« 





  • James R. Wible (travanj 2009.). „Economics, Christianity, and Creative Evolution: Peirce, Newcomb, and Ely and the Issues Surrounding the Creation of the American Economic Association in the 1880s”. str. 43. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2013-07-22. Pristupljeno 5. lipnja 2012. »While rejecting all of the organized religions of human history, Newcomb does recognize that religious ideas are basic to the human mind. He articulates his point: “But there is a second truth admitted with nearly equal unanimity .... It is that man has religious instincts – is, in short, a religious animal, and must have some kind of worship.” 51 What Newcomb wants is a new religion compatible with the best science and philosophy of his time. He begins to outline this new religion with doctrines that it must not have: 1. It cannot have a God living and personal.... 2. It cannot insist on a personal immortality of the soul.... 3. There must be no terrors drawn from a day of judgment.... 4. There can be no ghostly sanctions or motives derived from a supernatural power, or a world to come.... 5. Everything beyond what can be seen must be represented as unknown and unknowable.... (Newcomb 1878, p. 51).« 





  • „Gauss, Carl Friedrich”. Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography. 2008.. Pristupljeno 29. srpnja 2012. »In seeming contradiction, his religious and philosophical views leaned toward those of his political opponents. He was an uncompromising believer in the priority of empiricism in science. He did not adhere to the views of Kant, Hegel and other idealist philosophers of the day. He was not a churchman and kept his religious views to himself. Moral rectitude and the advancement of scientific knowledge were his avowed principles.« 






  • Rit Nosotro (2003.). „Max Born”. HyperHistory.net. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2013-04-26. Pristupljeno 19. lipnja 2012. »In 1912 Max married a descendent of Martin Luther named Hedi. They were married by a Lutheran pastor who two years later would baptize Max into the Christian faith. Far from being a messianic Jew who fell in love with Rabbi Yeshua (Jesus), Max was merely one of the millions of Jews who no considered assimilation of more importance than their Jewish faith. As Max explained, "there were...forces pulling in the opposite direction [to my own feelings]. The strongest of these was the necessity of defending my position again and again, and the feeling of futility produced by these discussions [with Hedi and her mother]. In the end I made up my mind that a rational being as I wished to be, ought to regard religious professions and churches as a matter of no importance.... It has not changed me, yet I never regretted it. I did not want to live in a Jewish world, and one cannot live in a Christian world as an outsider. However, I made up my mind never to conceal my Jewish origin."« 
  • „Frederick the Great - Hyperhistory.net”. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2009-08-21. Pristupljeno 2013-04-25. 



  • „DEISM:”. JewishEncyclopedia.com. Pristupljeno 4. srpnja 2010. 



  • V. Minorsky. Mongol Place-Names in Mukri Kurdistan (Mongolica, 4), Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, sv. 19, br. 1, str. 58-81 (1957.), str. 66. JSTOR





  • Talia Soghomonian (3. kolovoza 2008.). „Nick Cave”. musicomh.com. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-02-02. Pristupljeno 2013-04-25. »Asked if he's a believer, he replies evasively, 'I believe in all sorts of things.' I attempt to lift his aura of mysticism and insist. 'Well, I believe in all sorts of things. But do I believe in God, you mean? Yeah. Do you?' he turns the question on me, before continuing, 'If you're involved with imagination and the creative process, it's not such a difficult thing to believe in a god. But I'm not involved in any religions.'« 





  • „Greg Graffin: Punk-Rock Ph.D.”. Paste Magazine. 1. kolovoza 2007.. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2007-10-16. Pristupljeno 2013-04-25. »I’d call myself a provisional deist...I don't believe in a God who does much. But I do believe in God, for some reason that I can’t explain.« 



  • Ronald Bruce Meyer. „Napoleon Bonaparte (1769)”. ronaldbrucemeyer.com. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2004-01-06. Pristupljeno 7. veljače 2013. »His studies, says the Catholic Encyclopedia, 'left him attached to a sort of Deism, an admirer of the personality of Christ, a stranger to all religious practices, and breathing defiance against 'sacerdotalism' and 'theocracy'.'« 







  • Dale Essary. „A Review of Martin Gardner's 'Did Adam and Eve Have Navels? Discourses on Reflexology, Numerology, Urine Therapy, and Other Dubious Subjects'”. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2015-09-24. Pristupljeno 18. srpnja 2012. »Gardner is a fideist, a particular kind of deist who believes that God, though he exists, is unknowable and has not bothered to make himself known to mankind through any means of divine intervention or revelation. The topic for which Gardner exposes his amateurish grasp is biblical exegesis, for which his sophomoric approach should be an embarrassment to a man of his tenure. The title alone of the book under discussion lets us know that Gardner cannot help but take a few cheap shots at that lunatic fringe sect known as “fundamentalist” Christianity.« 







