„Milan Martić sentenced to 35 years for crimes against humanity and war crimes”. Međunarodni krivični sud za bivšu Jugoslaviju. 12. 06. 2007.. Pristupljeno 24. 08. 2010. »The Trial Chamber found that, among others, Blagoje Adžić, Milan Babić, Radmilo Bogdanović, Veljko Kadijević, Radovan Karadžić, Slobodan Milošević, Ratko Mladić, Vojislav Šešelj, Franko "Frenki" Simatović, Jovica Stanišić, and Captain Dragan Vasiljković participated in the furtherance of the common criminal purpose of the joint criminal enterprise«
Final report of the United Nations Commission of Experts, established pursuant to UN Security Council resolution 780 (1992), Annex VIII — Prison camps; Under the Direction of: M. Cherif Bassiouni; S/1994/674/Add.2 (Vol. IV), 27 May 1994, Special ForcesArhivirano 2011-07-21 na Wayback Machine-u, (p. 1070). Accessdate 20 October 2010.
„1991”. Centar Domovinskog rata. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2013-10-16. Pristupljeno 2. studenog 2013.
Final report of the United Nations Commission of Experts, established pursuant to UN Security Council resolution 780 (1992), Annex VIII — Prison camps; Under the Direction of: M. Cherif Bassiouni; S/1994/674/Add.2 (Vol. IV), 27 May 1994, Special ForcesArhivirano 2011-07-21 na Wayback Machine-u, (p. 1070). Accessdate 20 October 2010.