Saint-Barthélemy (Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Saint-Barthélemy" in Serbo-Croatian language version.

Global rank Serbo-Croatian rank
1st place
1st place
low place
5,813th place
90th place
13th place

  • Portland Chamber Orchestra. „Biography of Michael Valenti”. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2006-08-25. Pristupljeno 10. 03. 2008. »Hymne A Saint-Barthelemy, now the National Anthem of the small island of Saint Barthelemy in the Caribbean was commissioned by the Chorale de Bons Choeurs and was introduced by the choir of the same name on December 11, 1999.«

  • Portland Chamber Orchestra. „Biography of Michael Valenti”. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2006-08-25. Pristupljeno 10. 03. 2008. »Hymne A Saint-Barthelemy, now the National Anthem of the small island of Saint Barthelemy in the Caribbean was commissioned by the Chorale de Bons Choeurs and was introduced by the choir of the same name on December 11, 1999.«