„The Music from Episode One Ruelle, Prototypes, Jess Penner”. Shadowhunters TV. 13. siječnja 2016. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2016-03-13. Pristupljeno 10. veljače 2016. »Big opening of the series. The Shadowhunters looking for a demon – remember that? The song is called "Monsters" by Ruelle.«
„The Music from Episode One Ruelle, Prototypes, Jess Penner”. Shadowhunters TV. 13. siječnja 2016. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2016-03-13. Pristupljeno 10. veljače 2016. »Big opening of the series. The Shadowhunters looking for a demon – remember that? The song is called "Monsters" by Ruelle.«