Chattaway, Peter (28. lipnja 2006.). „Superman Returns”. Christianity Today. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2021-03-05. Pristupljeno 27. travnja 2010.
Smith, Sean (2 July 2006). „A Flying Leap”. The Daily Beast. Pristupljeno 11. lipanj 2013. »My production budget on "Superman Returns" was $204 million. The approved budget was $184.5 million. We had projected overages for visual effects, and there was a sequence that I wanted that was going to cost an extra $2.3 million. So the hard, honest number is $204 million.«
Richard Corliss (18. lipnja 2006.). „The Gospel of Superman”. Time. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2013-08-23. Pristupljeno 7. studenog 2008.
Chattaway, Peter (28. lipnja 2006.). „Superman Returns”. Christianity Today. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2021-03-05. Pristupljeno 27. travnja 2010.
Schuker, Lauren A. E. (22. kolovoza 2008.). „Warner Bets on Fewer, Bigger Movies”. The Wall Street Journal. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-03-21. Pristupljeno 22. listopada 2008.. .
Joe Morgenstern (28. lipnja 2006.). „Saving the Day”. The Wall Street Journal.
Schuker, Lauren A. E. (22. kolovoza 2008.). „Warner Bets on Fewer, Bigger Movies”. The Wall Street Journal. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-03-21. Pristupljeno 22. listopada 2008.. .