Čumlivski, Denko (2012). „800 let Zlaté buly sicilské” (czech). National Archives of the Czech Republic (Národní Archiv České Republiky). Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2013-01-11. Pristupljeno 31 October 2012.
Spal, Jaromír. „Původ jména Čech”. Naše řeč. Pristupljeno 10 December 2012.
Czech. CollinsDictionary.com. Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 11th Edition. Retrieved 19 November 2012.
„Discrimination in the EU in 2012”, Special Eurobarometer, 383 (European Union: European Commission): p. 233, 2012, pristupljeno 14 August 2013 The question asked was "Do you consider yourself to be...?" With a card showing: Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Other Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, Hindu, Atheist, and Non-believer/Agnostic. Space was given for Other (SPONTANEOUS) and DK. Jewish, Sikh, Buddhist, Hindu did not reach the 1% threshold.
Čumlivski, Denko (2012). „800 let Zlaté buly sicilské” (czech). National Archives of the Czech Republic (Národní Archiv České Republiky). Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2013-01-11. Pristupljeno 31 October 2012.
Mlsna, Petr; Šlehofer, F.; Urban, D. (2010). „The Path of Czech Constitutionality” (: (Bilingual) – Czech, English). 1st edition. Praha: Úřad Vlády České Republiky (The Office of the Government of the Czech Republic). str. 10–11. Pristupljeno 31 October 2012.