This political overview comes mainly from Erich S. Gruen 1969. Pompey: the Roman aristocracy, and the conference of Luca. Historia18 71–108, especially 107–108. The literature on the triumvirate's political deal-making in 56 BC is vast. Other works consulted include Ronald Syme 1939. The Roman Revolution Oxford University Press, reissued 2002. limited preview online, particularly Chapter 3, "The Domination of Pompeius"; J.P.V.D. Balsdon 1939. Consular Provinces under the Late Republic, II. Journal of Roman Studies29 167–183; G.R. Elton 1946. The terminal date of Caesar's Gallic Proconsulate. Journal of Roman Studies36 18–42; Thomas N. Mitchell 1969. Cicero before Luca (September 57–April 56 BC). Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. 100 295–320; Colm Luibheid 1970. The Luca Conference. Classical Philology65 88–94; Anthony J. Marshall 1978. Review of Crassus: a political biography by B.A. Marshall (Amsterdam 1976) and A.M. Ward 1977. Marcus Crassus and the late Roman Republic. University of Missouri Press, Phoenix32 (1978) 261–266; Christian Meier 1982. Caesar, translated by David McLintock. BasicBooks. 270–273. To balance an historical tradition generally hostile toward Crassus, see T.J. Cadoux 1956. Marcus Crassus: a revaluation. Greece & Rome3 153–161.