Romanian language (Simple English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Romanian language" in Simple English language version.

Global rank Simple English rank
low place
8,227th place
low place
8,123rd place
low place
8,228th place

  • The constitution of the Republic of Moldova refers to the country's language as Moldovan rather than Romanian, though in practice it is often called "Romanian". The introduction of the law concerning the functioning of the languages (September 1989), still effective in the Republic of Moldova according to the Constitution, asserts the linguistic identity between the Romanian language and the Moldovan language.

  • The constitution of the Republic of Moldova refers to the country's language as Moldovan rather than Romanian, though in practice it is often called "Romanian". The introduction of the law concerning the functioning of the languages (September 1989), still effective in the Republic of Moldova according to the Constitution, asserts the linguistic identity between the Romanian language and the Moldovan language.