Barnardova hviezda (Slovak Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Barnardova hviezda" in Slovak language version.

Global rank Slovak rank
2nd place
7th place
18th place
185th place
1st place
8th place
1,725th place
1,255th place
1,342nd place
4,201st place
1,681st place
5,794th place
low place
low place
5,591st place
3,077th place
1,349th place
1,537th place
low place
7,028th place
2,187th place
3,235th place
149th place
118th place
5,943rd place
low place
2,569th place
2,082nd place
low place
7,492nd place
1,482nd place
590th place
75th place
60th place
7,061st place
4,472nd place
low place
low place
2,066th place
63rd place
low place
low place
230th place
725th place
low place
low place

  • The Barnard's Star Blunder [online]. Astrobiology magazine, jún 2005, [cit. 2010-11-21]. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)

  • BELL, George H.. The Search for the Extrasolar Planets: A Brief History of the Search, the Findings and the Future Implications, Section 2 [online]. Arizona State University, apríl 2001, [cit. 2010-11-21]. S. 421 až 425. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/111436 (po anglicky)

  • WAGNER, Vladimír. Jadrové zdroje pre vesmírnu kolonizáciu [online]. 2. august 2008, [cit. 2010-11-24]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2011-10-13 z originálu. (po česky)

  • BOND, A.; MARTIN, A.R.. Project Daedalus - The mission profile [online]. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 1975, [cit. 2010-11-24]. S. 101. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)

  • DARLING, David. Project Daedalus [online]. The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight, jún 2005, [cit. 2010-11-24]. S. 101. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)

  • DAWSON, P. C; DE ROBERTIS, M. M.. Barnard's Star and the M Dwarf Temperature Scale [online]. The Astronomical Journal, máj 2004, [cit. 2010-11-20]. S. 2909 až 2914. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/383289 (po anglicky)
  • BENEDICT ET AL, G. Fritz. Photometry of Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star Using Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor 3: A Search for Periodic Variations [online]. Astronomical Journal, 1998, [cit. 2010-11-20]. S. 523 až 531. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/300420 (po anglicky)
  • KÜRSTER ET AL, M.. The low-level radial velocity variability in Barnard's Star [online]. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2003, [cit. 2010-11-21]. S. 1077. Dostupné online. DOI:20030396 10.1051/0004-6361: 20030396 (po anglicky)
  • GARCÍA-SÁNCHEZ ET AL, J.. Stellar Encounters with the solar system [online]. Astronomy and Astrophysics, november 2001, [cit. 2010-11-21]. S. 634 až 659. Dostupné online. DOI:20011330 10.1051/0004-6361: 20011330 (po anglicky)
  • GIZIS, John E. M-Subdwarfs: Spectroscopic Classification and the Metallicity Scale [online]. The Astronomical Journal, február 1997, [cit. 2010-11-21]. S. 820. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/118302 (po anglicky)
  • GATTEWOOD, G.; EICHHORN, H.. An unsuccessful search for a Planetary companion of Barnard's star BD +4 3561 [online]. Astronomical Journal, 1973, [cit. 2010-11-21]. S. 769. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/111480 (po anglicky)
  • HERSHEY, J.L.. Astrometric analysis of the field of AC +65 6955 from plates taken with the Sproul 24-inch Refractory [online]. Astronomical Journal, 1973, [cit. 2010-11-21]. S. 421 až 425. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/111436 (po anglicky)
  • BELL, George H.. The Search for the Extrasolar Planets: A Brief History of the Search, the Findings and the Future Implications, Section 2 [online]. Arizona State University, apríl 2001, [cit. 2010-11-21]. S. 421 až 425. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/111436 (po anglicky)
  • VAN DE KAMP, Peter. The Planetary system of Barnard's star [online]. Vistas in Astronomy, 1982, [cit. 2010-11-21]. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1016/0083-6656(82)90004-6 (po anglicky)
  • BENEDICT ET AL., G. Fritz. Interferometric Astrometry of Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star Using Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor 3: Detection Limits for sub-Stellar Companions [online]. The Astronomical Journal, august 1999, [cit. 2010-11-24]. S. 1089 až 1100. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/300975 (po anglicky)
  • ENDL, Michael; ET AL.. A Dedicated M Dwarf Planet Search Using The Hobby-Eberle Telescope [online]. The Astronomical Journal, máj 2003, [cit. 2010-11-24]. S. 3099. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/379137 (po anglicky)
  • GATEWOOD, George. A study of the astrometric motion of Barnard's star [online]. Journal Astrophysics and Space Science, 1995, [cit. 2010-11-24]. S. 91 až 95. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1007/BF00989158 (po anglicky)[nefunkčný odkaz]
  • PAULSON, Diane B.. Optical Spectroscopy of a Flare on Barnard's Star [online]. The Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2006, [cit. 2010-11-25]. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/499497 (po anglicky)

  • Darwin: study Ended, no further activities planned [online]. European Space Agency, [cit. 2010-11-24]. Dostupné online.

  • DAWSON, P. C; DE ROBERTIS, M. M.. Barnard's Star and the M Dwarf Temperature Scale [online]. The Astronomical Journal, máj 2004, [cit. 2010-11-20]. S. 2909 až 2914. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/383289 (po anglicky)
  • OCHSENBEIN, F.; HALBWACHS, J.L. A list of stars with large expected angular diameter [online]. Astronomical Journal, marec 1982, [cit. 2010-11-20]. S. 523 až 531. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)
  • RIEDEL, A.R. Barnard's Star as a Proxy for Old Disk dM Stars: Magnetic Activity, Light Variations, XUV Irradiances, and Planetary Habitable Zones [online]. Astronomical Journal, máj 2005, [cit. 2010-11-20]. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)
  • GARCÍA-SÁNCHEZ ET AL, J.. Stellar Encounters with the solar system [online]. Astronomy and Astrophysics, november 2001, [cit. 2010-11-21]. S. 634 až 659. Dostupné online. DOI:20011330 10.1051/0004-6361: 20011330 (po anglicky)
  • GIZIS, John E. M-Subdwarfs: Spectroscopic Classification and the Metallicity Scale [online]. The Astronomical Journal, február 1997, [cit. 2010-11-21]. S. 820. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/118302 (po anglicky)
  • VAN DE KAMP, Peter. Parallax, Proper Motion, Acceleration, and Orbital Motion of Barnard's Star [online]. Astronomical Journal, 1969, [cit. 2010-11-21]. S. 238. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)
  • VAN DE KAMP, Peter. Alternate dynamical analysis of Barnard's star [online]. Astronomical Journal, 1963, [cit. 2010-11-22]. S. 757 až 759. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)
  • GATTEWOOD, G.; EICHHORN, H.. An unsuccessful search for a Planetary companion of Barnard's star BD +4 3561 [online]. Astronomical Journal, 1973, [cit. 2010-11-21]. S. 769. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/111480 (po anglicky)
  • HERSHEY, J.L.. Astrometric analysis of the field of AC +65 6955 from plates taken with the Sproul 24-inch Refractory [online]. Astronomical Journal, 1973, [cit. 2010-11-21]. S. 421 až 425. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/111436 (po anglicky)

  • VAN DE KAMP, Peter. Astrometric study of Barnard's star from plates taken with the 24-inch Sproul Refractory [online]. Astronomical Journal, 1963, [cit. 2010-11-21]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2022-06-12 z originálu. (po anglicky)

  • KALER, Jim. Barnard's Star [online]. James B. Kaler, 2010, [cit. 2010-11-21]. S. 7. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)

  • BENEDICT ET AL, G. Fritz. Photometry of Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star Using Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor 3: A Search for Periodic Variations [online]. Astronomical Journal, 1998, [cit. 2010-11-20]. S. 523 až 531. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/300420 (po anglicky)
  • BENEDICT ET AL., G. Fritz. Interferometric Astrometry of Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star Using Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor 3: Detection Limits for sub-Stellar Companions [online]. The Astronomical Journal, august 1999, [cit. 2010-11-24]. S. 1089 až 1100. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/300975 (po anglicky)
  • ENDL, Michael; ET AL.. A Dedicated M Dwarf Planet Search Using The Hobby-Eberle Telescope [online]. The Astronomical Journal, máj 2003, [cit. 2010-11-24]. S. 3099. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/379137 (po anglicky)

  • Updates from the Project Manager [online]. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, [cit. 2010-11-24]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2011-03-02 z originálu.

  • FREITAS, Robert A., Jr. A Self-Reproducing Interstellar Probe [online]. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, júl 1980, [cit. 2010-11-24]. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)

  • Stars within 15 light-years of Barnard's Star: [online]. The Internet Stellar Database, [cit. 2010-11-24]. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)

  • KENT, Bill. Barnard's Wobble [PDF]. Swarthmore College, jún 2001, [cit. 2010-11-21]. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)

  • V* V2500 Oph -- Variable of BY Dra type [online]. [Cit. 2010-11-20]. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)
  • NAME SIRIUS A - Spectroscopic binary [online]. [Cit. 2010-11-20]. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)

  • PAULSON, Diane B.. Optical Spectroscopy of a Flare on Barnard's Star [online]. The Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2006, [cit. 2010-11-25]. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1086/499497 (po anglicky)

  • ARICNS 4C01453 [online]. ARI Database for Nearby Stars. Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg, [cit. 2010-11-20]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2010-08-28 z originálu. (po anglicky)

  • ARICNS 4C01453 [online]. ARI Database for Nearby Stars. Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg, [cit. 2010-11-20]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2010-08-28 z originálu. (po anglicky)
  • VAN DE KAMP, Peter. Astrometric study of Barnard's star from plates taken with the 24-inch Sproul Refractory [online]. Astronomical Journal, 1963, [cit. 2010-11-21]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2022-06-12 z originálu. (po anglicky)
  • Updates from the Project Manager [online]. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, [cit. 2010-11-24]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2011-03-02 z originálu.
  • WAGNER, Vladimír. Jadrové zdroje pre vesmírnu kolonizáciu [online]. 2. august 2008, [cit. 2010-11-24]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2011-10-13 z originálu. (po česky)