TUOMAINEN, Tomi-Pekka; SALONEN, Riitta; NYYSSÖNEN, Kristiina, et al. Cohort study of relation between donating blood and risk of myocardial infarction in 2682 men in eastern Finland. BMJ, marec 1997, roč. 314, čís. 7083, s. 793–794. Dostupné online. PMID 9080998. PMC: 2126176. (po anglicky)
RANASINGHE, E; HARRISON, J F. Bruising following blood donation, its management and the response and subsequent return rates of affected donors. Transfusion Medicine, jún 2000, roč. 10, čís. 2, s. 113–116. ISSN0958-7578. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-3148.2000.00240.x. PMID 10849380. (po anglicky)
TUOMAINEN, Tomi-Pekka; SALONEN, Riitta; NYYSSÖNEN, Kristiina, et al. Cohort study of relation between donating blood and risk of myocardial infarction in 2682 men in eastern Finland. BMJ, marec 1997, roč. 314, čís. 7083, s. 793–794. Dostupné online. PMID 9080998. PMC: 2126176. (po anglicky)
RANASINGHE, E; HARRISON, J F. Bruising following blood donation, its management and the response and subsequent return rates of affected donors. Transfusion Medicine, jún 2000, roč. 10, čís. 2, s. 113–116. ISSN0958-7578. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-3148.2000.00240.x. PMID 10849380. (po anglicky)
RANASINGHE, E; HARRISON, J F. Bruising following blood donation, its management and the response and subsequent return rates of affected donors. Transfusion Medicine, jún 2000, roč. 10, čís. 2, s. 113–116. ISSN0958-7578. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-3148.2000.00240.x. PMID 10849380. (po anglicky)