Fauna Europaea (Slovak Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Fauna Europaea" in Slovak language version.

Global rank Slovak rank
2nd place
7th place
1st place
8th place
6,181st place
low place
low place
low place



  • DE JONG, Y; VERBEEK, M; MICHELSEN, V, Bjørn Pde; P, LOS; W, STEEMAN; F, BAILLY; N, BASIRE; C, CHYLARECKI; P, STLOUKAL; E, HAGEDORN; G, WETZEL; FT, GLöCKLER; F, KROUPA; A, KORB; G, HOFFMANN; A, HäUSER; C, KOHLBECKER; A, MüLLER; A, GüNTSCH; A, STOEV; P, PENEV; L Fauna Europaea – all European animal species on the web. Biodiversity Data Journal, 2014. DOI10.3897/BDJ.2.e4034.


  • Fauna Europaea presents its updated and modernized website [online]. EU BON, 2 December 2015, [cit. 2024-05-21]. Dostupné online.

