Taiwan (Slovak Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Taiwan" in Slovak language version.

Global rank Slovak rank
low place
1,708th place
low place
58th place
5,513th place
11th place
1st place
8th place
6,832nd place
10th place
low place
low place
4,771st place
4th place
40th place
32nd place
5,866th place
9th place
5th place
1st place
1,786th place
2,372nd place
3,164th place
3,727th place
4,732nd place
6th place
low place
115th place
low place
3,367th place
142nd place
105th place


  • TASR, DPA. Taiwan má záujem posilniť spoluprácu s Európskou úniou v súvislosti s tlakom Číny [online]. Aktuality.sk, [cit. 2022-12-20]. Dostupné online.
  • ŠTRBA, Pavol; ODKLADAL, Martin. Pri Taiwane sme sa zastali Čechov. Máme sa teraz báť mocnej Číny?. Aktuality.sk (Bratislava: Ringier Axel Springer Slovakia), 2020-09-03. Dostupné online [cit. 2023-12-09].
  • Taiwan v spolupráci so slovenskými nadáciami podporia obnovu Ukrajiny [online]. TASR, 2023-08-01, [cit. 2023-08-02]. Dostupné online.


  • Taiwan. In: Encyclopædia Britannica [online]. Encyclopædia Britannica, 1999-07-26, [cit. 2023-12-09]. Dostupné online.


  • Taiwan: 2022: sprievodca, informácie a zaujímavosti | BUBO [online]. bubo.sk, [cit. 2022-12-10]. Dostupné online.


  • TÓDA, Mirek. Najnebezpečnejšie miesto na svete? Katastrofická vojna o Taiwan už nie je nemysliteľná. Denník N (Bratislava: N Press), 2021-05-03. Dostupné online [cit. 2021-06-28]. ISSN 1339-844X.



  • The Evolving Taiwan-China Relationship, Part 4: Diplomatic Relations [online]. Stratfor Analysis, 2023, [cit. 2023-12-09]. Dostupné online.


  • Taiwan to open representative office in Lithuania: foreign minister [online]. focustaiwan.tw, 2021-07-20, [cit. 2021-10-23]. Dostupné online.



  • Laws and Regulations Regarding Mainland Affairs. Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area. Amendment of Articles 9, 40-1, 91, 93-1 and 93-2 promulgated by Presidential Order No. Hua-Tsung-(1)-Yi-Tze 11100048111 on June 8, 2022 [online]. [Cit. 2024-01-18]. Dostupné online. (anglický)




  • Peking zredukoval diplomatické vzťahy s Litvou pre spor o Taiwan [online]. Pravda.sk, 2021-11-21, [cit. 2021-11-23]. Dostupné online.





  • Statistics from Statistical Bureau [online]. [Cit. 2017-06-29]. Dostupné online.
  • General Statistical analysis report, Population and Housing Census [online]. [Cit. 2016-11-26]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2016-12-26 z originálu.
  • National Statistics, Republic of China (Taiwan) [online]. eng.stat.gov.tw, [cit. 2021-06-28]. Dostupné online.
  • Total Population [online]. National Statistics, Republic of China (Taiwan), [cit. 2023-12-09]. Dostupné online.
  • Unemployment Rate [online]. National Statistics, Republic of China (Taiwan), [cit. 2023-12-09]. Dostupné online.


  • MACKOVÁ, Katarína. STU podpísala memorandum s National Sun Yat-sen University z Taiwanu [online]. Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave, 2. december 2022, [cit. 2022-12-20]. Dostupné online.


  • TASR. USA vyzvali na väčšie začlenenie Taiwanu do inštitúcii OSN. teraz.sk (Bratislava: TASR), 2021-10-26. Dostupné online [cit. 2021-10-27].
  • TASR. Taiwan otvorí v Litve svoj úrad s iným názvom. teraz.sk (Bratislava: TASR), 2021-07-20. Dostupné online [cit. 2021-10-23].



  • TÓDA, Mirek. Najnebezpečnejšie miesto na svete? Katastrofická vojna o Taiwan už nie je nemysliteľná. Denník N (Bratislava: N Press), 2021-05-03. Dostupné online [cit. 2021-06-28]. ISSN 1339-844X.