Artefakt (Slovenian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Artefakt" in Slovenian language version.

Global rank Slovenian rank
1,053rd place
1,759th place
3rd place
11th place
low place
3,787th place
2nd place
5th place

  • Carol Kramer, "Pots and Peoples" in; Louis D. Levine and T. Culyer Young (eds.), Mountains and Lowlands: Essays in the Archaeology of Greater Mesopotamia; Malibu, Undena, 1977; cited in Serge Cleuziou, "Introduction", Objets et symboles: de la culture matérielle à l'espace culturel : actes de la 1re Journée doctorale d'archéologie, Paris, 20 mai 2006, ed. Laurent Dhennequin, Guillaume Gernez and Jessica Giraud, Paris: Sorbonne, 2009, ISBN 9782859446222, p. 18, n. 12 (francosko).

  • Peacock, Evan (1. januar 1991). »Distinguishing between Artifacts and Geofacts: A Test Case from Eastern England«. Journal of Field Archaeology. 18 (3): 345–361. doi:10.1179/009346991791548645.

  • Peacock, Evan (1. januar 1991). »Distinguishing between Artifacts and Geofacts: A Test Case from Eastern England«. Journal of Field Archaeology. 18 (3): 345–361. doi:10.1179/009346991791548645.