»etymologiebank.nl«. etymologiebank.nl. 5. april 1922. Pridobljeno 20. februarja 2014.
(Excelsior Series 11, No. 51, Albert Sugg Gand; ca. 1905): "Cranenburg z okna, v katerem so v starih časih flandrijski grofje z gospodi in gospemi gledali turnirje in tekmovalce ob praznovanjih v Bruggeu in kjer je bil Maksimilijan zaprt leta 1488 (Bruges and West Flanders, George W. T. Omond, Illustrated by Amédée Forestier, 1906. Project Gutenberg Edition.)
Charlier, Roger H. (2005). »Grandeur, Decadence and Renaissance«. Journal of Coastal Research: 425–447., quote: "Rise, fall and resurrection make up the life story of Bruges, a city that glittered in Northern Europe with as much panache as Venice did in the Mediterranean World."