Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ciper" in Slovenian language version.
Most culinary innovations in the Cypriot cuisine occurred during the Byzantine era ... Experimentation with dairy products resulted in the now-famous halloumi and feta cheese.
Statistical analysis of rainfall in Cyprus reveals a decreasing trend of rainfall amounts in the last 30-year[s].
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: Vzdrževanje CS1: samodejni prevod datuma (povezava)Statistical analysis of rainfall in Cyprus reveals a decreasing trend of rainfall amounts in the last 30-year[s].
Giovanni Cicala, greco di Cipro, prof. di Filosofia nella Università ... Al qual fine permetteva tutta la confidenza con il Cigala e con il Papadopoli, ambedue greci nativi e Lettori pubblici nell'Universita di Padova, coi quail si tratteneva, in frequenti discorsi sopra questa material, le mezze giornate intiere ...