other examples: a framed portrait from Hawara (Walker, Bierbrier: Ancient Faces, pp. 121–122, Nr. 117), the image of a man flanked by two deities from the same site (Walker, Bierbrier: Ancient Faces, pp. 123–124, Nr. 119), or the 6th century BC panels from Pitsa in Greece [1]Arhivirano 2015-05-03 na Wayback Machine.
other examples: a framed portrait from Hawara (Walker, Bierbrier: Ancient Faces, pp. 121–122, Nr. 117), the image of a man flanked by two deities from the same site (Walker, Bierbrier: Ancient Faces, pp. 123–124, Nr. 119), or the 6th century BC panels from Pitsa in Greece [1]Arhivirano 2015-05-03 na Wayback Machine.