Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Izboljšane tehnike zasliševanja" in Slovenian language version.
Finally, ... noting that section 1005 does not confer any constitutional right upon an alien detained abroad as an enemy combatant, the executive branch shall construe section 1005 to preclude the Federal courts from exercising subject matter jurisdiction over any existing or future action, including applications for writs of habeas corpus, described in section 1005.
enhanced interrogation techniques [...] include hooding or blindfolding, exposure to loud music and temperature extremes, slapping, starvation, wall standing and other stress positions and, in some cases, waterboarding. [...] In the United States, enhanced interrogation was reserved for terror suspects [...] These methods include shaking, slapping, beating, exposure to cold, stress positions and, in the United States, waterboarding.
...the president... issued a still classified directive that granted the CIA power to imprison and interrogate prisoners without the burdens of heavy oversight that usually constrained the agency.
Avoid, where possible, euphemisms and circumlocutions ... The Pentagon's practice of enhanced interrogation is torture, just as its practice of extraordinary rendition is probably torture contracted out to foreigners.
The focus on waterboarding misses the main point of the program. Which is that it was a program. [The program was to] disorient, abuse, dehumanize, and torment individuals over time.
[T]he report ... cuts through the ocean of euphemism, the EITs, enhanced interrogation techniques, and all that. It gets to straight language. Torture — it's obviously torture. ... the metaphor and the euphemism is designed to dull the moral sensibility.
Declassification Revisions December 3, 2014
Government lawyers have argued that another portion of that same law, the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005, removes general access to U.S. courts for all Guantanamo Bay captives.
it would be 'devastating' to us.
Avoid, where possible, euphemisms and circumlocutions ... The Pentagon's practice of enhanced interrogation is torture, just as its practice of extraordinary rendition is probably torture contracted out to foreigners.
Declassification Revisions December 3, 2014