"THE OUTFLOW OF LAKE NAIVASHA BASED ON THE STABLE ISOTOPE COMPOSITION" (characteristics), M.K. Arusei, J. K Sanga, M.P Tole, Department of Chemistry, School of Environmental Studies, Moi University, P.O Box 3900 Eldoret, Kenya, webpage:UNEP-Moi-Arusei-PDFArhivirano 2005-06-12 at the Library of Congress
"THE OUTFLOW OF LAKE NAIVASHA BASED ON THE STABLE ISOTOPE COMPOSITION" (characteristics), M.K. Arusei, J. K Sanga, M.P Tole, Department of Chemistry, School of Environmental Studies, Moi University, P.O Box 3900 Eldoret, Kenya, webpage:UNEP-Moi-Arusei-PDFArhivirano 2005-06-12 at the Library of Congress