Article 4 of the Charter of Kirov states that the city will have an anthem once one is officially adopted. As of 2016, an anthem is not listed among the symbols of the city shown on the official website of KirovArhivirano June 9, 2017, na Wayback Machine..
Article 4 of the Charter of Kirov states that the city will have an anthem once one is officially adopted. As of 2016, an anthem is not listed among the symbols of the city shown on the official website of KirovArhivirano June 9, 2017, na Wayback Machine..
Feldbrugge, F. J. M. (Ferdinand Joseph Maria), 1933- (2018). A history of Russian law : from ancient times to the Council Code (Ulozhenie) of Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich of 1649. Leiden. str. 525. ISBN9789004346420. OCLC988859062.{{navedi knjigo}}: Vzdrževanje CS1: več imen: seznam avtorjev (povezava)