Lot (Sveto pismo) (Slovenian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Lot (Sveto pismo)" in Slovenian language version.

Global rank Slovenian rank
3rd place
11th place
1,019th place
871st place
6th place
9th place
504th place
146th place
2,486th place
7,426th place
2nd place
5th place


  • Mirabeau, Honoré (1867). Erotika Biblion. Chevalier de Pierrugues. Chez tous les Libraries.


  • Drummond, Dorothy Weitz, 2004, Holy land, whose land?: modern dilemma, ancient roots, p. 75
  • Hasan, Masudul (1987). History of Islam, Volume 1. Islamic Publications. str. 26. Pridobljeno 9. julija 2012. Citat: Lut je bil nečak preroka Abrahama. Z Abrahamom je migriral iz Iraka v Kanaan v Palestini. Kot preroka so ga poslali v mesti Sodoma in Gomora, ki se nahajata vzhodno od Mrtvega morja. Prebivalci teh mest so bili krivi neizrekljivih zločinov. Bili so zasvojeni s homoseksualnostjo in ropi na cestah. Lut je ljudi opozoril, vendar ga niso hoteli poslušati. Molil je k Alahu, naj kaznuje ljudi. Lot je ponoči zapustil mesto s svojimi privrženci. Takoj ko je odšel, je Alah dvignil [prho iz kamna?]' - končni citat, beseda popačena.
  • Fuchs, Esther (2003). Sexual Politics in the Biblical Narrative: Reading the Hebrew Bible as a Woman. str. 209. ISBN 9780567042873. Pridobljeno 10. julija 2015.



  • Katherine B. Low (Fall 2010). »The Sexual Abuse of Lot's Daughters: Reconceptualizing Kinship for the Sake of Our Daughters«. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. Indiana University Press. 26 (2): 37–54. doi:10.2979/fsr.2010.26.2.37.



  • Lowenthal, Anne W. (1988), "Lot and His daughters as Moral Dilemma", in The Age of Rembrandt: Studies in Seventeenth-century Dutch Painting, Volume 3 of Papers in Art History from the Pennsylvania State University, eds. Roland E. Fleischer, Susan Scott Munshower, 1988, Penn State Press, ISBN 0915773023, ISBN 978-0915773022, google books
