Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Monoteizem" in Slovenian language version.
Evolucijske razlage zgodovine religije se običajno razumejo kot razlaga pojava religije kot rezultata nenehnega razvoja. Model za tak razvoj je rast živih bitij, ki vodi do vse bolj subtilne diferenciacije in integracije. V takem miselnem okviru bi monoteizem razlagali kot rezultat nenehnega razvoja od animizma, politeizma, henoteizma in monolatrije do vere v enega samega Boga. Takšnega razvoja ni mogoče dokazati. Monoteizem se je pojavil nenadoma, vendar ne brez pripravljenosti nanj.
In some texts, however, it is said that Anoš and Manda ḏHayyē appeared in Jerusalem together with Jesus Christ (Mšiha), and exposed him as a lying prophet. This tradition can be explained by an anti-Christian concept, which is also found in Mandaeism, but, according to several scholars, it contains scarcely any traditions of historical events. Because of the strong dualism in Mandaeism, between body and soul, great attention is paid to the "deliverance" of the soul any student of ancient philosophy can tell you, we see the first appearance of a unitary God not in Jewish scripture, but in the thought of the Greek philosopher Plato...
Kristjani so bili zaradi nauka o Trojici videti kot politeisti. V zadnjih nekaj sto letih so rabini to stališče nekoliko umirili, vendar še vedno ne menijo, da so kristjani monoteistični na popolnoma enak način kot Judje ali muslimani. Muslimani so priznani kot monoteisti.
Islam verjame, da krščanstvo ni monoteistično, kot sicer trdi, temveč prej politeistično s trojico - očeta, sina in svetega duha. any student of ancient philosophy can tell you, we see the first appearance of a unitary God not in Jewish scripture, but in the thought of the Greek philosopher Plato...
In Regnal Year 5, the pharaoh dropped all pretense and declared Aten the official state deity of Egypt, directing focus and funding away from the Amun priesthood to the cult of the sun disk. He even changed his name from Amenhotep ('Amun is Satisfied') to Akhenaten ('Effective for the Aten,') and ordered the construction of a new capital city, Akhetaten ('The Horizon of Aten') in the desert. Located at the modern site of Tell el-Amarna, Akhetaten was situated between the ancient Egyptian cities of Thebes and Memphis on the east bank of the Nile.