»255 Sustenpass« (zemljevid). Rhône source(online map) (2015 izd.). 1:50 000. National Map 1:50 000 – 78 sheets and 25 composites (v nemščini). Kartografija Swiss Federal Office for Topography, swisstopo. Berne, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Office for Topography, swisstopo. 2013. ISBN978-3-302-00255-2. Pridobljeno 18. oktobra 2015.
»255 Sustenpass« (zemljevid). Rhône source(online map) (2015 izd.). 1:50 000. National Map 1:50 000 – 78 sheets and 25 composites (v nemščini). Kartografija Swiss Federal Office for Topography, swisstopo. Berne, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Office for Topography, swisstopo. 2013. ISBN978-3-302-00255-2. Pridobljeno 18. oktobra 2015.
»Le Rhône« (v francoščini). Geneva, Switzerland: La fédération Genevoise des Sociétés de Pêche. Marec 2001. Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča dne 26. aprila 2012. Pridobljeno 18. oktobra 2015.
Amazing Swiss wine regions to discoverArhivirano 2021-04-22 na Wayback Machine., swisswine.ch. ("Valais is Switzerland’s largest wine producer. It is renowned for its sunny and dry microclimate. The vineyards line the north slopes of the Rhone valley, rising up narrow, steep terraces and overlooked by snow covered peaks.")
Amazing Swiss wine regions to discoverArhivirano 2021-04-22 na Wayback Machine., swisswine.ch. ("Valais is Switzerland’s largest wine producer. It is renowned for its sunny and dry microclimate. The vineyards line the north slopes of the Rhone valley, rising up narrow, steep terraces and overlooked by snow covered peaks.")
»Le Rhône« (v francoščini). Geneva, Switzerland: La fédération Genevoise des Sociétés de Pêche. Marec 2001. Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča dne 26. aprila 2012. Pridobljeno 18. oktobra 2015.