Srebreniški genocid (Slovenian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Srebreniški genocid" in Slovenian language version.

Global rank Slovenian rank
2,961st place
4th place
7th place
37th place
8,986th place
1,433rd place
3,789th place
774th place

  • "Page 34931:Out of these 25.000 people, there were about 750 men that were held prisoners because their identity was to be checked and it had to be checked that none of them was suspected of crimes against Serbs in the area. Out of these people, 500 were not suspected at all. They were released, and they were able to go towards Kladanj and Tuzla. Two hundred and fifty of them were held back because there was suspicion against them. They were suspected of crimes against the Serbs. They were detained in Zvornik and Batkovic, and it is probable that out of these people there were some summary executions because some Serbs recognised some of the authors of some crimes in their villages, but according to General Mladic, no more than hundred summary executions took place out of this group of people.« Patrick Barriot.Wednesday, 12 January 2005

  • "The fact that Milosevic personally intervened and saved 800 Bosnian Muslim men from the enclave who crossed the Drina River into Yugoslavia demanding protection from Milosevic!!! These men where handed over to the Red Cross in Hungary - so that from there they could choose whether or not they wanted to return to Bosnia."Some things to keep in mind about Srebrenica:

  • "So to avoid the Bosnian Serb forces to their west, about 800 of the men and boys of Zepa fled east. They crossed the Drina River to Yugoslavia, where they were split between two detention camps"211 Bosnians Free After 8 Months. Why So Long?

  • "Pripadnik francoske tujske legije naj bi bil tudi Milorad Pelemiš, poveljnik 10. diverzantskega odreda vojske Republike srbske. Njegov odred naj bi bil odgovoren za najbolj krut poboj več kot 1.000 Muslimanov v okolici Srebrenice julija 1995."Kako lahko tujci pomagajo vojski?
  • »Vrhovno sodišče: Nizozemska 10-odstotno odgovorna za poboje v Srebrenici«. Pridobljeno 19. julija 2019.
  • V, Ž N. , B. »V Generalni skupščini ZN-a potrdili resolucijo o mednarodnem dnevu spomina na genocid v Srebrenici«. Pridobljeno 23. maja 2024.