Velikonočno jajce (mediji) (Slovenian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Velikonočno jajce (mediji)" in Slovenian language version.

Global rank Slovenian rank
3rd place
11th place
6th place
9th place
low place
low place
1st place
2nd place
4,121st place
2,803rd place

  • Montfort, Nick; Bogost, Ian (2009). Racing the Beam: The Atari Video Computer System. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: MIT Press. str. 59. ISBN 9780262012577.
  • Björk, Staffan; Holopainen, Jussi (2005). Patterns In Game Design (1. izd.). Hingham, Massachusetts, USA: Charles River Media. str. 235. ISBN 9781584503545.
  • Bennett, James; Brown, Tom (2008). »The DVD Cinephile: Viewing Heritages and Home Film Cultures«. Film and television after DVD. New York, USA: Routledge. str. 23. ISBN 9780415962414.
  • Berardinelli, James; Ebert, Roger (2005). »Appendix: Easter Eggs, Extended Editions, and Director's Cuts«. Reel Views 2: The Ultimate Guide to the Best 1,000 Modern Movies on DVD and Video. Zv. 2 (1. izd.). Boston, USA: Justin, Charles & Co. str. 577. ISBN 9781932112405.
  • Spolsky, Joel (2004). Joel on Software. Berkeley, California, USA: Apress. str. 280. ISBN 9781590593899.[mrtva povezava]