See for example Hooft, G. (2001). „How does god play dice? (Pre-)determinism at the Planck scale”. arXiv:hep-th/0104219. „Predeterminism is here defined by the assumption that the experimenter's 'free will' in deciding what to measure (such as his choice to measure the x- or the y-component of an electron's spin), is in fact limited by deterministic laws, hence not free at all”, and. Sukumar, CV (1996). „A new paradigm for science and architecture”. City. 1 (1–2): 181—183. doi:10.1080/13604819608900044. „Quantum Theory provided a beautiful description of the behaviour of isolated atoms and nuclei and small aggregates of elementary particles. Modern science recognized that predisposition rather than predeterminism is what is widely prevalent in nature.”
Laplace posited that an omniscient observer, knowing with infinite precision all the positions and velocities of every particle in the universe, could predict the future entirely. For a discussion, see. Robert C. Solomon; Kathleen M. Higgins (2009). „Free will and determinism”. The Big Questions: A Short Introduction to Philosophy (8th изд.). Cengage Learning. стр. 232. ISBN978-0495595151.. Another view of determinism is discussed by. Ernest Nagel (1999). „§V: Alternative descriptions of physical state”. The Structure of Science: Problems in the Logic of Scientific Explanation (2nd изд.). Hackett. стр. 285—292. ISBN978-0915144716. „a theory is deterministic if, and only if, given its state variables for some initial period, the theory logically determines a unique set of values for those variables for any other period.”
Far Western Philosophy of Education Society (1971). Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Far Western Philosophy of Education Society. Far Western Philosophy of Education Society. стр. 12. „"Determinism" is, in essence, the position which holds that all behavior is caused by prior behavior. "Predeterminism" is the position which holds that all behavior is caused by conditions which predate behavior altogether (such impersonal boundaries as "the human conditions", instincts, the will of God, inherent knowledge, fate, and such).”
„Predeterminism”. Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford Dictionaries. април 2010. Архивирано из оригинала 04. 09. 2012. г. Приступљено 20. 12. 2012.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза). See also „Predeterminism”. Collins English Dictionary. Collins. Приступљено 20. 12. 2012.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
McKewan, Jaclyn (2009). „Evolution, Chemical”. Ур.: H. James Birx". Predeterminism. Encyclopedia of Time: Science, Philosophy, Theology, & Culture. Sage Publications, Inc. стр. 1035—1036. ISBN9781412941648. doi:10.4135/9781412963961.n191.
See for example Hooft, G. (2001). „How does god play dice? (Pre-)determinism at the Planck scale”. arXiv:hep-th/0104219. „Predeterminism is here defined by the assumption that the experimenter's 'free will' in deciding what to measure (such as his choice to measure the x- or the y-component of an electron's spin), is in fact limited by deterministic laws, hence not free at all”, and. Sukumar, CV (1996). „A new paradigm for science and architecture”. City. 1 (1–2): 181—183. doi:10.1080/13604819608900044. „Quantum Theory provided a beautiful description of the behaviour of isolated atoms and nuclei and small aggregates of elementary particles. Modern science recognized that predisposition rather than predeterminism is what is widely prevalent in nature.”
„Predeterminism”. Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Приступљено 20. 12. 2012.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза) See for example. Ormond, A.T.; et al. (1894). „Freedom and psycho-genesis”. Psychological Review. 1 (3): 217—229. Bibcode:1992SPIE.1710..714G. S2CID62639035. doi:10.1117/12.140132. „The problem of predeterminism is one that involves the factors of heredity and environment, and the point to be debated here is the relation of the present self that chooses to these predetermining agencies”, and.
„Predeterminism”. Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Приступљено 20. 12. 2012.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза) See for example. Ormond, A.T.; et al. (1894). „Freedom and psycho-genesis”. Psychological Review. 1 (3): 217—229. Bibcode:1992SPIE.1710..714G. S2CID62639035. doi:10.1117/12.140132. „The problem of predeterminism is one that involves the factors of heredity and environment, and the point to be debated here is the relation of the present self that chooses to these predetermining agencies”, and.
Borst, C. (1992). „Leibniz and the compatibilist account of free will”. Studia Leibnitiana. 24 (1): 49—58. JSTOR40694201. „Leibniz presents a clear case of a philosopher who does not think that predeterminism requires universal causal determinism”
„Some Varieties of Free Will and Determinism”. Philosophy 302: Ethics. Приступљено 19. 12. 2012. „Predeterminism: the philosophical and theological view that combines God with determinism. On this doctrine events throughout eternity have been foreordained by some supernatural power in a causal sequence.”CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
„Predeterminism”. Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Приступљено 20. 12. 2012.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза) See for example. Ormond, A.T.; et al. (1894). „Freedom and psycho-genesis”. Psychological Review. 1 (3): 217—229. Bibcode:1992SPIE.1710..714G. S2CID62639035. doi:10.1117/12.140132. „The problem of predeterminism is one that involves the factors of heredity and environment, and the point to be debated here is the relation of the present self that chooses to these predetermining agencies”, and.
„Predeterminism”. Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford Dictionaries. април 2010. Архивирано из оригинала 04. 09. 2012. г. Приступљено 20. 12. 2012.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза). See also „Predeterminism”. Collins English Dictionary. Collins. Приступљено 20. 12. 2012.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
„Predeterminism”. Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Приступљено 20. 12. 2012.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза) See for example. Ormond, A.T.; et al. (1894). „Freedom and psycho-genesis”. Psychological Review. 1 (3): 217—229. Bibcode:1992SPIE.1710..714G. S2CID62639035. doi:10.1117/12.140132. „The problem of predeterminism is one that involves the factors of heredity and environment, and the point to be debated here is the relation of the present self that chooses to these predetermining agencies”, and.
Hoefer, Carl (1. 4. 2008). „Causal Determinism”. Ур.: Edward N. Zalta. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2009 изд.).CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
Eshleman, Andrew (18. 11. 2009). „Moral Responsibility”. Ур.: Edward N. Zalta. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2009 изд.).CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
„Predeterminism”. Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Приступљено 20. 12. 2012.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза) See for example. Ormond, A.T.; et al. (1894). „Freedom and psycho-genesis”. Psychological Review. 1 (3): 217—229. Bibcode:1992SPIE.1710..714G. S2CID62639035. doi:10.1117/12.140132. „The problem of predeterminism is one that involves the factors of heredity and environment, and the point to be debated here is the relation of the present self that chooses to these predetermining agencies”, and.