Zorica Lazarević Srbija nema adekvatno institucionalno rešenje za osobe sa autizmom, CINS [1]Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (16. децембар 2011)
Courchesne, E.; Carper, R.; Akshoomoff, N. (2003-07-16). „Evidence of brain overgrowth in the first year of life in autism”. JAMA. 290 (3): 337—44. PMID12865374. doi:10.1001/jama.290.3.337.
Myers, S. M.; Johnson, C. P.; American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Children With Disabilities (2007). „Management of children with autism spectrum disorders”. Pediatrics. 120 (5): 1162—82. PMID17967921. S2CID1656920. doi:10.1542/peds.2007-2362..
Howlin P, Goode S, Hutton J, Rutter M (2004). „Adult outcome for children with autism”. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 45 (2): 212—29. PMID14982237. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2004.00215.x.CS1 одржавање: Вишеструка имена: списак аутора (веза).
Aylward, E. H.; Minshew, N. J.; Field, K.; Sparks, B. F.; Singh, N. (2002-07-23). „Effects of age on brain volume and head circumference in autism”. Neurology. 59 (2): 175—83. PMID12136053. S2CID30104660. doi:10.1212/WNL.59.2.175.
Wing L, Potter D (2002). „The epidemiology of autistic spectrum disorders: is the prevalence rising?”. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 8 (3): 151—61. PMID12216059. doi:10.1002/mrdd.10029.
Bertoglio, K.; Hendren, R. L. (2009). „New developments in autism”. The Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 32 (1): 1—14. PMID19248913. doi:10.1016/j.psc.2008.10.004.
Folstein SE, Rosen-Sheidley B (2001). „Genetics of autism: complex aetiology for a heterogeneous disorder”. Nat Rev Genet. 2 (12): 943—55. PMID11733747. S2CID9331084. doi:10.1038/35103559.
Ozgen, H. M.; Hop, J. W.; Hox, J. J.; Beemer, F. A.; Van Engeland, H. (2010). „Minor physical anomalies in autism: A meta-analysis”. Molecular Psychiatry. 15 (3): 300—307. PMID18626481. S2CID26087399. doi:10.1038/mp.2008.75.
Richdale, A. L.; Schreck, K. A. (2009). „Sleep problems in autism spectrum disorders: Prevalence, nature, & possible biopsychosocial aetiologies”. Sleep Medicine Reviews. 13 (6): 403—411. PMID19398354. doi:10.1016/j.smrv.2009.02.003.
Johnson, C. P.; Myers, S. M.; American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Children With Disabilities (новембар 2007). „Identification and evaluation of children with autism spectrum disorders”. Pediatrics. 120 (5): 1183—215. PMID17967920. S2CID218028. doi:10.1542/peds.2007-2361.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
Antshel, K. M.; Polacek, C.; McMahon, M.; Dygert, K.; Spenceley, L.; Dygert, L.; Miller, L.; Faisal, F. (јул 2011). „Comorbid ADHD and anxiety affect social skills group intervention treatment efficacy in children with autism spectrum disorders”. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 32 (6): 439—46. PMID21654508. S2CID38142802. doi:10.1097/DBP.0b013e318222355d.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
Ronemus M, Iossifov I, Levy D, Wigler M (фебруар 2014). „The role of de novo mutations in the genetics of autism spectrum disorders”. Nat Rev Genet. 15 (2): 133—41. PMID24430941. S2CID9073763. doi:10.1038/nrg3585.CS1 одржавање: Вишеструка имена: списак аутора (веза)CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза).
Yang MS, Gill M (2007). „A review of gene linkage, association and expression studies in autism and an assessment of convergent evidence”. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 25 (2): 69—85. PMID17236739. S2CID39503634. doi:10.1016/j.ijdevneu.2006.12.002.
Hammer, L. D.; Curry, E. S.; Harlor, A. D.; Laughlin, J. J.; Leeds, A. J.; Lessin, H. R.; et al. (2010). „Increasing immunization coverage”. Pediatrics. 125 (6): 1295—304. PMID20513736. S2CID29292204. doi:10.1542/peds.2010-0743.
Wiggins LD, Baio J, Rice C (2006). „Examination of the time between first evaluation and first autism spectrum diagnosis in a population-based sample”. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 27 (2 Suppl): S79—87. PMID16685189. S2CID22746069. doi:10.1097/00004703-200604002-00005.
McMahon WM, Baty BJ, Botkin J (2006). „Genetic counseling and ethical issues for autism”. The American Journal of Medical Genetics C Semin Med Genet. 142C (1): 52—7. PMID16419100. S2CID24093961. doi:10.1002/ajmg.c.30082.
Shattuck PT, Grosse SD (2007). „Issues related to the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders”. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 13 (2): 129—35. PMID17563895. doi:10.1002/mrdd.20143.
Collet, J. P.; Vanasse, M; Marois, P.; Amar, M; Goldberg, J.; Lambert J, Lassonde M, Hardy P, Fortin J, Tremblay SD; et al. (2001). „Hyperbaric oxygen for children with cerebral palsy: a randomised multicentre trial. HBO-CP Research Group.”. Lancet. 357 (9256): 582—586. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(00)04054-X.CS1 одржавање: Вишеструка имена: списак аутора (веза). PubMed Abstract | Publisher Full Text
Golden, Z. L.; Neubauer, R.; Golden, C. J.; Greene, L.; Marsh, J.; Mleko, A. (2002). „Improvement in cerebral metabolism in chronic brain injury after hyperbaric oxygen therapy”. Int J Neurosci. 112 (2): 119—131. PMID12325401. S2CID18005632. doi:10.1080/00207450212027.
Hardy P, Johnston KM, De Beaumont L, Montgomery DL, Lecomte JM, Soucy JP, Bourbonnais D, Lassonde M (2007). „Pilot case study of the therapeutic potential of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on chronic brain injury”. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 253 (1–2): 94—105. doi:10.1016/j.jns.2006.12.005.CS1 одржавање: Вишеструка имена: списак аутора (веза))
Shi, Xiao-yan; Tang, Zhong-Quan; Sun, Da; He, Xiao-jun (2006). „Evaluation of hyperbaric oxygen treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders following traumatic brain injury”. Chin Med J (Engl). 119 (23): 1978—1982. S2CID30315259. doi:10.1097/00029330-200612010-00007.
Rossignol, D. A.; Rossignol, L. W. (2006). „Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may improve symptoms in autistic children”. Med Hypotheses. 67 (2): 216—228. PMID16554123. doi:10.1016/j.mehy.2006.02.009.. PubMed Abstract | Publisher Full Text
Sigman, M.; Spence, S. J.; Wang, A. T. (2006). „Autism from developmental and neuropsychological perspectives”. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. 2: 327—55. PMID17716073. doi:10.1146/annurev.clinpsy.2.022305.095210..
Burgess, A. F.; Gutstein, S. E. (2007). „Quality of Life for People with Autism: Raising the Standard for Evaluating Successful Outcomes”. Child Adolesc Ment Health. 12 (2): 80—6. PMID32811109. doi:10.1111/j.1475-3588.2006.00432.x..
Gogou, M.; Kolios, G. (2018). „Are therapeutic diets an emerging additional choice in autism spectrum disorder management?”. World J Pediatr (Review). 14 (3): 215—223. PMID29846886. S2CID44155118. doi:10.1007/s12519-018-0164-4..
Marí-Bauset S, Zazpe I, Mari-Sanchis A, Llopis-González A, Morales-Suárez-Varela M (децембар 2014). „Evidence of the gluten-free and casein-free diet in autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review”. Journal of Child Neurology. 29 (12): 1718—27. PMID24789114. S2CID19874518. doi:10.1177/0883073814531330. hdl:10171/37087.CS1 одржавање: Вишеструка имена: списак аутора (веза)CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза).
Volta U, Caio G, De Giorgio R, Henriksen C, Skodje G, Lundin KE (јун 2015). „Non-celiac gluten sensitivity: a work-in-progress entity in the spectrum of wheat-related disorders”. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 29 (3): 477—91. PMID26060112. doi:10.1016/j.bpg.2015.04.006.CS1 одржавање: Вишеструка имена: списак аутора (веза)CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза).
Marí-Bauset S, Zazpe I, Mari-Sanchis A, Llopis-González A, Morales-Suárez-Varela M (децембар 2014). „Evidence of the gluten-free and casein-free diet in autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review”. Journal of Child Neurology. 29 (12): 1718—27. PMID24789114. S2CID19874518. doi:10.1177/0883073814531330. hdl:10171/37087.CS1 одржавање: Вишеструка имена: списак аутора (веза)CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза).
Courchesne, E.; Carper, R.; Akshoomoff, N. (2003-07-16). „Evidence of brain overgrowth in the first year of life in autism”. JAMA. 290 (3): 337—44. PMID12865374. doi:10.1001/jama.290.3.337.
Myers, S. M.; Johnson, C. P.; American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Children With Disabilities (2007). „Management of children with autism spectrum disorders”. Pediatrics. 120 (5): 1162—82. PMID17967921. S2CID1656920. doi:10.1542/peds.2007-2362..
Howlin P, Goode S, Hutton J, Rutter M (2004). „Adult outcome for children with autism”. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 45 (2): 212—29. PMID14982237. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2004.00215.x.CS1 одржавање: Вишеструка имена: списак аутора (веза).
Aylward, E. H.; Minshew, N. J.; Field, K.; Sparks, B. F.; Singh, N. (2002-07-23). „Effects of age on brain volume and head circumference in autism”. Neurology. 59 (2): 175—83. PMID12136053. S2CID30104660. doi:10.1212/WNL.59.2.175.
E, Fombonne (2005). „Epidemiology of autistic disorder and other pervasive developmental disorders”. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 66 (Suppl 10): 3—8. PMID16401144.
Wing L, Potter D (2002). „The epidemiology of autistic spectrum disorders: is the prevalence rising?”. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 8 (3): 151—61. PMID12216059. doi:10.1002/mrdd.10029.
Bertoglio, K.; Hendren, R. L. (2009). „New developments in autism”. The Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 32 (1): 1—14. PMID19248913. doi:10.1016/j.psc.2008.10.004.
Folstein SE, Rosen-Sheidley B (2001). „Genetics of autism: complex aetiology for a heterogeneous disorder”. Nat Rev Genet. 2 (12): 943—55. PMID11733747. S2CID9331084. doi:10.1038/35103559.
Ozgen, H. M.; Hop, J. W.; Hox, J. J.; Beemer, F. A.; Van Engeland, H. (2010). „Minor physical anomalies in autism: A meta-analysis”. Molecular Psychiatry. 15 (3): 300—307. PMID18626481. S2CID26087399. doi:10.1038/mp.2008.75.
Richdale, A. L.; Schreck, K. A. (2009). „Sleep problems in autism spectrum disorders: Prevalence, nature, & possible biopsychosocial aetiologies”. Sleep Medicine Reviews. 13 (6): 403—411. PMID19398354. doi:10.1016/j.smrv.2009.02.003.
Johnson, C. P.; Myers, S. M.; American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Children With Disabilities (новембар 2007). „Identification and evaluation of children with autism spectrum disorders”. Pediatrics. 120 (5): 1183—215. PMID17967920. S2CID218028. doi:10.1542/peds.2007-2361.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
Antshel, K. M.; Polacek, C.; McMahon, M.; Dygert, K.; Spenceley, L.; Dygert, L.; Miller, L.; Faisal, F. (јул 2011). „Comorbid ADHD and anxiety affect social skills group intervention treatment efficacy in children with autism spectrum disorders”. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 32 (6): 439—46. PMID21654508. S2CID38142802. doi:10.1097/DBP.0b013e318222355d.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
Ronemus M, Iossifov I, Levy D, Wigler M (фебруар 2014). „The role of de novo mutations in the genetics of autism spectrum disorders”. Nat Rev Genet. 15 (2): 133—41. PMID24430941. S2CID9073763. doi:10.1038/nrg3585.CS1 одржавање: Вишеструка имена: списак аутора (веза)CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза).
Yang MS, Gill M (2007). „A review of gene linkage, association and expression studies in autism and an assessment of convergent evidence”. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 25 (2): 69—85. PMID17236739. S2CID39503634. doi:10.1016/j.ijdevneu.2006.12.002.
Hammer, L. D.; Curry, E. S.; Harlor, A. D.; Laughlin, J. J.; Leeds, A. J.; Lessin, H. R.; et al. (2010). „Increasing immunization coverage”. Pediatrics. 125 (6): 1295—304. PMID20513736. S2CID29292204. doi:10.1542/peds.2010-0743.
Wiggins LD, Baio J, Rice C (2006). „Examination of the time between first evaluation and first autism spectrum diagnosis in a population-based sample”. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 27 (2 Suppl): S79—87. PMID16685189. S2CID22746069. doi:10.1097/00004703-200604002-00005.
McMahon WM, Baty BJ, Botkin J (2006). „Genetic counseling and ethical issues for autism”. The American Journal of Medical Genetics C Semin Med Genet. 142C (1): 52—7. PMID16419100. S2CID24093961. doi:10.1002/ajmg.c.30082.
Shattuck PT, Grosse SD (2007). „Issues related to the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders”. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 13 (2): 129—35. PMID17563895. doi:10.1002/mrdd.20143.
Golden, Z. L.; Neubauer, R.; Golden, C. J.; Greene, L.; Marsh, J.; Mleko, A. (2002). „Improvement in cerebral metabolism in chronic brain injury after hyperbaric oxygen therapy”. Int J Neurosci. 112 (2): 119—131. PMID12325401. S2CID18005632. doi:10.1080/00207450212027.
Rossignol, D. A.; Rossignol, L. W. (2006). „Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may improve symptoms in autistic children”. Med Hypotheses. 67 (2): 216—228. PMID16554123. doi:10.1016/j.mehy.2006.02.009.. PubMed Abstract | Publisher Full Text
Sigman, M.; Spence, S. J.; Wang, A. T. (2006). „Autism from developmental and neuropsychological perspectives”. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. 2: 327—55. PMID17716073. doi:10.1146/annurev.clinpsy.2.022305.095210..
Burgess, A. F.; Gutstein, S. E. (2007). „Quality of Life for People with Autism: Raising the Standard for Evaluating Successful Outcomes”. Child Adolesc Ment Health. 12 (2): 80—6. PMID32811109. doi:10.1111/j.1475-3588.2006.00432.x..
Gogou, M.; Kolios, G. (2018). „Are therapeutic diets an emerging additional choice in autism spectrum disorder management?”. World J Pediatr (Review). 14 (3): 215—223. PMID29846886. S2CID44155118. doi:10.1007/s12519-018-0164-4..
Marí-Bauset S, Zazpe I, Mari-Sanchis A, Llopis-González A, Morales-Suárez-Varela M (децембар 2014). „Evidence of the gluten-free and casein-free diet in autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review”. Journal of Child Neurology. 29 (12): 1718—27. PMID24789114. S2CID19874518. doi:10.1177/0883073814531330. hdl:10171/37087.CS1 одржавање: Вишеструка имена: списак аутора (веза)CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза).
Volta U, Caio G, De Giorgio R, Henriksen C, Skodje G, Lundin KE (јун 2015). „Non-celiac gluten sensitivity: a work-in-progress entity in the spectrum of wheat-related disorders”. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 29 (3): 477—91. PMID26060112. doi:10.1016/j.bpg.2015.04.006.CS1 одржавање: Вишеструка имена: списак аутора (веза)CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза).
Myers, S. M.; Johnson, C. P.; American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Children With Disabilities (2007). „Management of children with autism spectrum disorders”. Pediatrics. 120 (5): 1162—82. PMID17967921. S2CID1656920. doi:10.1542/peds.2007-2362..
Aylward, E. H.; Minshew, N. J.; Field, K.; Sparks, B. F.; Singh, N. (2002-07-23). „Effects of age on brain volume and head circumference in autism”. Neurology. 59 (2): 175—83. PMID12136053. S2CID30104660. doi:10.1212/WNL.59.2.175.
Folstein SE, Rosen-Sheidley B (2001). „Genetics of autism: complex aetiology for a heterogeneous disorder”. Nat Rev Genet. 2 (12): 943—55. PMID11733747. S2CID9331084. doi:10.1038/35103559.
Ozgen, H. M.; Hop, J. W.; Hox, J. J.; Beemer, F. A.; Van Engeland, H. (2010). „Minor physical anomalies in autism: A meta-analysis”. Molecular Psychiatry. 15 (3): 300—307. PMID18626481. S2CID26087399. doi:10.1038/mp.2008.75.
Johnson, C. P.; Myers, S. M.; American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Children With Disabilities (новембар 2007). „Identification and evaluation of children with autism spectrum disorders”. Pediatrics. 120 (5): 1183—215. PMID17967920. S2CID218028. doi:10.1542/peds.2007-2361.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
Antshel, K. M.; Polacek, C.; McMahon, M.; Dygert, K.; Spenceley, L.; Dygert, L.; Miller, L.; Faisal, F. (јул 2011). „Comorbid ADHD and anxiety affect social skills group intervention treatment efficacy in children with autism spectrum disorders”. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 32 (6): 439—46. PMID21654508. S2CID38142802. doi:10.1097/DBP.0b013e318222355d.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
Ronemus M, Iossifov I, Levy D, Wigler M (фебруар 2014). „The role of de novo mutations in the genetics of autism spectrum disorders”. Nat Rev Genet. 15 (2): 133—41. PMID24430941. S2CID9073763. doi:10.1038/nrg3585.CS1 одржавање: Вишеструка имена: списак аутора (веза)CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза).
Yang MS, Gill M (2007). „A review of gene linkage, association and expression studies in autism and an assessment of convergent evidence”. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 25 (2): 69—85. PMID17236739. S2CID39503634. doi:10.1016/j.ijdevneu.2006.12.002.
Hammer, L. D.; Curry, E. S.; Harlor, A. D.; Laughlin, J. J.; Leeds, A. J.; Lessin, H. R.; et al. (2010). „Increasing immunization coverage”. Pediatrics. 125 (6): 1295—304. PMID20513736. S2CID29292204. doi:10.1542/peds.2010-0743.
Wiggins LD, Baio J, Rice C (2006). „Examination of the time between first evaluation and first autism spectrum diagnosis in a population-based sample”. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 27 (2 Suppl): S79—87. PMID16685189. S2CID22746069. doi:10.1097/00004703-200604002-00005.
McMahon WM, Baty BJ, Botkin J (2006). „Genetic counseling and ethical issues for autism”. The American Journal of Medical Genetics C Semin Med Genet. 142C (1): 52—7. PMID16419100. S2CID24093961. doi:10.1002/ajmg.c.30082.
Gogou, M.; Kolios, G. (2018). „Are therapeutic diets an emerging additional choice in autism spectrum disorder management?”. World J Pediatr (Review). 14 (3): 215—223. PMID29846886. S2CID44155118. doi:10.1007/s12519-018-0164-4..
Marí-Bauset S, Zazpe I, Mari-Sanchis A, Llopis-González A, Morales-Suárez-Varela M (децембар 2014). „Evidence of the gluten-free and casein-free diet in autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review”. Journal of Child Neurology. 29 (12): 1718—27. PMID24789114. S2CID19874518. doi:10.1177/0883073814531330. hdl:10171/37087.CS1 одржавање: Вишеструка имена: списак аутора (веза)CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза).
Marí-Bauset S, Zazpe I, Mari-Sanchis A, Llopis-González A, Morales-Suárez-Varela M (децембар 2014). „Evidence of the gluten-free and casein-free diet in autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review”. Journal of Child Neurology. 29 (12): 1718—27. PMID24789114. S2CID19874518. doi:10.1177/0883073814531330. hdl:10171/37087.CS1 одржавање: Вишеструка имена: списак аутора (веза)CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза).