„Lao People's Democratic Republic's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2003”(PDF). constituteproject.org. Приступљено 29. 10. 2017. „Article 9: The State respects and protects all lawful activities of Buddhists and of followers of other religions, [and] mobilises and encourages Buddhist monks and novices as well as the priests of other religions to participate in activities that are beneficial to the country and people.”
Article 67: "The State should support and protect Buddhism and other religions.
In supporting and protecting Buddhism, [...] the State should promote and support education and dissemination of dharmic principles of Theravada Buddhism [...], and shall have measures and mechanisms to prevent Buddhism from being undermined in any form. The State should also encourage Buddhists to participate in implementing such measures or mechanisms."„Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand”(PDF). constitutionnet.org. Приступљено 29. 10. 2017.