Hepacivirin (Serbian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Hepacivirin" in Serbian language version.

Global rank Serbian rank
4th place
8th place



  • Kim, J.L., Morgenstern, K.A., Lin, C., Fox, T., Dwyer, M.D., Landro, J.A., Chambers, S.P., Markland, W., Lepre, C.A., O'Malley, E.T., Harbeson, S.L., Rice, C.M., Murcko, M.A., Caron, P.R. and Thomson, J.A. (1996). „Crystal structure of the hepatitis C virus NS3 protease domain complexed with a synthetic NS4A cofactor peptide”. Cell. 87: 343—355. PMID 8861917.