„Western Outlaw: Wanted Dead or Alive Review”. GameSpot. 22. 12. 2003. Архивирано из оригинала 07. 05. 2009. г. Приступљено 06. 07. 2009. „'According to the manual, Western Outlaw's graphics engine is the LithTech Talon system, which is the same one used in Aliens Versus Predator 2.'”
„Western Outlaw: Wanted Dead or Alive Review”. GameSpot. 22. 12. 2003. Архивирано из оригинала 07. 05. 2009. г. Приступљено 06. 07. 2009. „'According to the manual, Western Outlaw's graphics engine is the LithTech Talon system, which is the same one used in Aliens Versus Predator 2.'”