Singer, Roland (ying) (2011-07-10). „Manjaro Linux Distribution”. Community Contributions, Arch Linux Forums. Архивирано из оригинала 2016-09-26. г. Приступљено 2015-12-12. „Hi all, I am working now since a longer time on my arch linux livecd. It is called manjaro linux and uses the Desktop Environment Xfce. I uploaded a first testing livecd which is very experimental and many features are still missing. I would be thankful for any bugs reported,.... or if somebody wants to help and join the project he is always welcome.”
Singer, Roland (ying) (2011-07-10). „Manjaro Linux Distribution”. Community Contributions, Arch Linux Forums. Архивирано из оригинала 2016-09-26. г. Приступљено 2015-12-12. „Hi all, I am working now since a longer time on my arch linux livecd. It is called manjaro linux and uses the Desktop Environment Xfce. I uploaded a first testing livecd which is very experimental and many features are still missing. I would be thankful for any bugs reported,.... or if somebody wants to help and join the project he is always welcome.”