Johannes van Helmont (1644): Opuscula medica inaudita, published by Jost Kalckhoven (Jodocum Kalcoven) Cologne, Germany. In Part I: De Lithiasi, page 53, van Helmont mentions that alkalis dissolve silicates: "Porro lapides, gemmae, arenae, marmora, silices, &c. adjuncto alcali, vitrificantur: sin autem plure alcali coquantur, resolvuntur in humido quidem: ac resoluta, facili negotio acidorum spirituum, separantur ab alcali, pondere pristini pulveris lapidum." (Furthermore, stone, gems, sand, marble, silica, etc., become glassy by the addition of alkali: but if roasted with more alkali, they are dissolved in moisture: and the former weight of the stone powder is separated from the alkali and released by simply adding acid.)
Von Wagner, Rudolf (1892; translation of 13th edition by Willian Crookes) Manual of Chemical Technology[1]
Morris Schrero (1922): Water-glass: A Bibliography. Published by Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Giambattista della Porta (1569): Magia naturalis sive de miraculis rerum naturalium, libri iiii (Natural magic or on the miracles of nature, in four books); pages 290–291, "Crystallus, ut fusilis fiat" (quartz, so made molten). Published by Guillaume Rouillé (Gulielmum Rovillium) in Lyon (Lugdunum) France
Johann Rudolf Glauber (1661): Furni Novi Philosophici Oder Beschreibung einer New-erfundenen Distillir-Kunst (New Philosophical Furnace, or Treatise on Newly Discovered Distillation Art) chapter LXXIX, pages 164–166: "Wie durch Hülff eines reinen Sandes oder Kißlings auß Sale Tartari ein kräfftiger Spiritus kan erlanget werden." (How with the help of a pure sand or silica a powerful solution can be gotten from cream of tartar).
Johann Nepomuk von Fuchs (1825) "Ueber ein neues Produkt aus Kieselerde und Kali" (On a new product from silica and potash), . Archiv für die gesammte Naturlehre. 5 (4): 385—412.Недостаје или је празан параметар |title= (помоћ),. On page 386: "Ich erhielt es zuerst, vor ungefähr 7 Jahren" (I first obtained it about 7 years ago).
Emile Kopp (1857): "Sur la préparation et les propriétés du verre soluble ou des silicates de potasse et de soude; analyse de tous les travaux publiés jusqu'a ce jour sur ce sujet" (On the preparation and properties of soluble glass or the silicates of potash and soda; analysis of all works published until today on this subject). Le Moniteur scientifique, volume 1, 337–349, pages 366–391.
Evan E. Bolton; Yanli Wang; Paul A. Thiessen; Stephen H. Bryant (2008). „Chapter 12 PubChem: Integrated Platform of Small Molecules and Biological Activities”. Annual Reports in Computational Chemistry. 4: 217—241. doi:10.1016/S1574-1400(08)00012-1.
Gerard Lagaly, Werner Tufar, A. Minihan, A. Lovell "Silicates" in Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Wiley-VCH, 2005. Lagaly, Gerhard; Tufar, Werner; Minihan, A.; Lovell, A. (2000). „Silicates”. Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. ISBN978-3-527-30385-4. doi:10.1002/14356007.a23_661.
Bechtold, M. F. (1955). „Polymerization and Properties of Dilute Aqueous Silicic Acid from Cation Exchange”. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 59 (6): 532—541. doi:10.1021/j150528a013.