Negativno usmerena kinezinska ATPaza (Serbian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Negativno usmerena kinezinska ATPaza" in Serbian language version.

Global rank Serbian rank
4th place
8th place

  • Henningsen, U. & Schliwa, M. (1997). „Reversal in the direction of movement of a molecular motor”. Nature. 389: 93—96. PMID 9288974. 
  • Sharp, D.J., Kuriyama, R., Essner, R. and Baas, P.W. (1997). „Expression of a minus-end-directed motor protein induces Sh9 cells to form axon-like processes with uniform microtubule polarity orientation”. J. Cell Sci. 110: 2373—2380. PMID 9410876. 
  • Sablin, E.P., CASe, R.B., Dai, S.C., Hart, C.L., Ruby, A., Vale, R.D. and Fletterick, R.J. (1998). „Direction determination in the minus-end-directed kinesin motor ncd”. Nature. 395: 813—816. PMID 99010841.