„Operation Horse Manure”(PDF). Приступљено 4. 5. 2024. „A prosecution witness, Colonel Ciaglinski of the KVM, claimed that a Yugoslav officer had told him of a plan to expel the ethnic Albanian. However, his senior at the KVM, General "DZ" Drewienkiewicz, claimed under oath, that he was not told of this.”
Hogrefe, Jürgen; Lersch, Paul; Szandar, Alexander (11. 4. 1999). „»Zweimal total verkalkuliert«”. Der Spiegel (на језику: немачки). Приступљено 4. 5. 2024.
Follath, Erich; Ilsemann, Siegesmund von; Szandar, Alexander (9. 1. 2000). „Der etwas andere Krieg”. Der Spiegel (на језику: немачки). Приступљено 4. 5. 2024.