Анте Старчевић (Serbian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Анте Старчевић" in Serbian language version.

Global rank Serbian rank
3rd place
2nd place
1st place
1st place
low place
881st place
low place
3,262nd place
low place
1,892nd place
4,189th place
220th place
low place
low place
low place
low place




  • Nationalism & National Policy in Independent State of Croatia by Irina Ognyanova (1941—1945) [3] Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (20. октобар 2017). "In fact, the roots of the Ustasha ideology can be found in the Croatian nationalism of the nineteenth century. The Ustasha ideological system was just a replica of the traditional pure Croatian nationalism of Ante Starcevic. His ideology contained all important elements of those of the extreme Croatian nationalism in the twentieth century. Starcevic’s writings reveal an attitude similar to that of the contemporary Croatian nationalists: Frankovci at the beginning of the twentieth century and Ustashas in the 1930s."







  • ”Усташки злочин над Србима… Србомрзац Анте Старчевић” - Ђорђе Бојанић [2] Преузето 26. августа 2016


  • „www.moljac.hr”. Архивирано из оригинала 25. 2. 2009. г. Приступљено 15. 4. 2007. 
  • „Christian Statesman Dr. Otto von Habsburg - by Cathy Pearson”. Архивирано из оригинала 17. 05. 2012. г. Приступљено 05. 07. 2012. 
  • Nationalism & National Policy in Independent State of Croatia by Irina Ognyanova (1941—1945) [3] Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (20. октобар 2017). "In fact, the roots of the Ustasha ideology can be found in the Croatian nationalism of the nineteenth century. The Ustasha ideological system was just a replica of the traditional pure Croatian nationalism of Ante Starcevic. His ideology contained all important elements of those of the extreme Croatian nationalism in the twentieth century. Starcevic’s writings reveal an attitude similar to that of the contemporary Croatian nationalists: Frankovci at the beginning of the twentieth century and Ustashas in the 1930s."