Countryman, Vern; Buckley, William F. (1952). „Review of "William F. Buckley, God and Man at Yale."”. The Yale Law Journal. 61 (2): 272—283. JSTOR793684. doi:10.2307/793684.("Once upon a time there was a little boy named William Buckley. Although he was a very little boy, he was much too big for his britches.").
Countryman, Vern; Buckley, William F. (1952). „Review of "William F. Buckley, God and Man at Yale."”. The Yale Law Journal. 61 (2): 272—283. JSTOR793684. doi:10.2307/793684.("Once upon a time there was a little boy named William Buckley. Although he was a very little boy, he was much too big for his britches.").