Грађански немири у Албанији 1997. (Serbian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Грађански немири у Албанији 1997." in Serbian language version.

Global rank Serbian rank
1st place
1st place
142nd place
180th place
198th place
356th place
443rd place
437th place
618th place
2,843rd place
2,975th place
2,087th place





  • „Kosovo: Background to crisis (March 1999)”. Архивирано из оригинала 15. 5. 2008. г. Приступљено 17. 6. 2010. „Following the February/March 1997 looting of Albanian Army barracks and depots, weapons became even more readily available. The current price for a Kalashnikov is barely US$300, and the most conservative estimates of Albanians' stocks now start at 25,000 hidden AK assault rifles. Also available are anti-tank weapons, rifle and hand grenades and even small-calibre mortars and anti-aircraft guns. 



  • „Crisis in Albania”. Public Broadcasting Service. Архивирано из оригинала 30. 10. 2013. г. Приступљено 23. 8. 2017. 
  • „Kosovo: Background to crisis (March 1999)”. Архивирано из оригинала 15. 5. 2008. г. Приступљено 17. 6. 2010. „Following the February/March 1997 looting of Albanian Army barracks and depots, weapons became even more readily available. The current price for a Kalashnikov is barely US$300, and the most conservative estimates of Albanians' stocks now start at 25,000 hidden AK assault rifles. Also available are anti-tank weapons, rifle and hand grenades and even small-calibre mortars and anti-aircraft guns.