Certain authors caution against identifying "day" with rotation period. For example: Seligman, Courtney. „Rotation Period and Day Length”. Приступљено 3. 6. 2011. „A Cautionary Note: Because the rotation period of the Earth is almost the same as the length of its day, we sometimes get a bit sloppy in discussing the rotation of the sky, and say that the stars rotate around us once each day. In a similar way, it is not unusual for careless people to mix up the rotation period of a planet with the length of its day, or vice versa.”
Дан, "Хрватска енциклопедија", Лексикографски завод Мирослав Крлежа, www.enciklopedija.hr, 2015.
The average over the last 50 years is about 86 400.002. The yearly average over that period has ranged between about 86 400 and 86 400.003, while the length of individual days has varied between about 86 399.999 and 86 400.004 seconds. See this graph: :
The average over the last 50 years is about 86 400.002. The yearly average over that period has ranged between about 86 400 and 86 400.003, while the length of individual days has varied between about 86 399.999 and 86 400.004 seconds. See this graph: :