Coudenhove-Kalergi, R. N. (1925). Praktischer Idealismus (на језику: немачки). Vienna-Leipzig: Paneuropa-Verlag. стр. 22—23. „Der Mensch der fernen Zukunft wird Mischling sein. Die heutigen Rassen und Kasten werden der zunehmenden Überwindung von Raum, Zeit und Vorurteil zum Opfer fallen. Die eurasisch-negroide Zukunftsrasse, äusserlich dem altägyptischen ähnlich, wird die Vielfalt der Völker durch eine Vielfalt der Persönlichkeiten ersetzen”
„EXPOSED: For Britain and the “White Genocide” Conspiracy Theory”. Hopre not hate. 29. 8. 2022. Архивирано из оригинала 29. 3. 2020. г. Приступљено 14. 6. 2019. „large groups of people being radicalised daily and hourly, by far-right and neo-Nazi propaganda and a ubiquitous belief in wild conspiracy theories such as the Kalergi Plan”CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза).
„EXPOSED: For Britain and the "White Genocide" Conspiracy Theory”. Hope Not Hate. 18. 4. 2019. „racist and antisemitic conspiracy theories have since developed that allege that Coudenhove-Kalergi devised a long-term scheme to undermine the white race by encouraging immigration into Europe, creating a populous devoid of identity who would supposedly be easily ruled by Jewish overlords.”CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
„Day of the trope: White nationalist memes thrive on Reddit's r/The_Donald”. Southern Poverty Law Center. 19. 4. 2019. „With respect to Europe, the mythology of the “Kalergi plan” plays a similar role in constructing the “white genocide” narrative. Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi was an Austrian noble and early advocate of European integration. White nationalists mine his writings for evidence that the European Union is the culmination of a nefarious “plan” for white genocide put into motion decades ago.”CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
„EXPOSED: For Britain and the “White Genocide” Conspiracy Theory”. Hopre not hate. 29. 8. 2022. Архивирано из оригинала 29. 3. 2020. г. Приступљено 14. 6. 2019. „large groups of people being radicalised daily and hourly, by far-right and neo-Nazi propaganda and a ubiquitous belief in wild conspiracy theories such as the Kalergi Plan”CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза).