Novosel, I; Kovačić, Z; Gusić, S; Batelja, L; Nestić, M; Seiwerth, S; Skavić, J (април 2011). „Immunohistochemical detection of early myocardial damage in two sudden deaths due to intentional butane inhalation. Two case reports with review of literature.”. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 18 (3): 125—31. PMID21420651. doi:10.1016/j.jflm.2010.12.003.
Kraemer, R; Knobloch, K; Lorenzen, J; Breuing, KH; Koennecker, S; Rennekampff, HO; Vogt, PM. „Severe burn injuries caused by bioethanol-design fireplaces-an overview on recreational fire threats.”. Journal of Burn Care & Research. 32 (2): 173—7. PMID21233730. doi:10.1097/BCR.0b013e31820aade7.
Apte, K; Salvi, S (2016). „Household air pollution and its effects on health.”. F1000Research. 5: 2593. PMC5089137. PMID27853506. doi:10.12688/f1000research.7552.1. „Burning of natural gas not only produces a variety of gases such as sulfur oxides, mercury compounds, and particulate matter but also leads to the production of nitrogen oxides, primarily nitrogen dioxide...The burning of biomass fuel or any other fossil fuel increases the concentration of black carbon in the air...[rest of material in linked fulltext]'”
Novosel, I; Kovačić, Z; Gusić, S; Batelja, L; Nestić, M; Seiwerth, S; Skavić, J (април 2011). „Immunohistochemical detection of early myocardial damage in two sudden deaths due to intentional butane inhalation. Two case reports with review of literature.”. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 18 (3): 125—31. PMID21420651. doi:10.1016/j.jflm.2010.12.003.
Kraemer, R; Knobloch, K; Lorenzen, J; Breuing, KH; Koennecker, S; Rennekampff, HO; Vogt, PM. „Severe burn injuries caused by bioethanol-design fireplaces-an overview on recreational fire threats.”. Journal of Burn Care & Research. 32 (2): 173—7. PMID21233730. doi:10.1097/BCR.0b013e31820aade7.
Apte, K; Salvi, S (2016). „Household air pollution and its effects on health.”. F1000Research. 5: 2593. PMC5089137. PMID27853506. doi:10.12688/f1000research.7552.1. „Burning of natural gas not only produces a variety of gases such as sulfur oxides, mercury compounds, and particulate matter but also leads to the production of nitrogen oxides, primarily nitrogen dioxide...The burning of biomass fuel or any other fossil fuel increases the concentration of black carbon in the air...[rest of material in linked fulltext]'”