Blake, Marc; Bailey, Sara (2013). Writing the Horror Movie. London; New York: Bloomsbury. стр. 137. ISBN9781441195067. „'Cube (1997) was reportedly influenced by a Twilight Zone episode, Five Characters in Search of an Exit, written by its creator Rod Serling.”
Eggert, Brian (19. 5. 2010). „Cube (1998)”. Deep Focus Review. Архивирано из оригинала 24. 05. 2014. г. Приступљено 23. 5. 2014. „Vincenzo Natali's Cube extends a scenario seemingly straight from The Twilight Zone for the duration of a full-length feature... filled with sharp ideas and a setup worthy of Franz Kafka..."”
Van Fleet, James (3. 10. 2013). „HALLOWEEN: The Best Twilight Zone Movies - 12: "Five Characters..." / Cube”. Horror Films 101. Приступљено 23. 5. 2014. „Imagine being dropped in an empty room. There's no exit... or if there is, the means of getting out are unknown. Imagine not being sure why you're there. Is there a purpose, or are you just being toyed with? Very quickly you learn about the people stuck with you. Very quickly the room becomes a prison... Five Characters In Search of an Exit has the benefit of brevity, but it also has an engaging episode-long "argument" between the gung-ho Major and the depressed Clown. Cube ... carries the same claustrophobia and mystery, and it amps up the potent allegory even further, becoming a microcosm of human existence. The characters define their identity, bring their talents to the problems at hand, and their environment - like the world - is as inscrutable as it is deadly.”
Eggert, Brian (19. 5. 2010). „Cube (1998)”. Deep Focus Review. Архивирано из оригинала 24. 05. 2014. г. Приступљено 23. 5. 2014. „Vincenzo Natali's Cube extends a scenario seemingly straight from The Twilight Zone for the duration of a full-length feature... filled with sharp ideas and a setup worthy of Franz Kafka..."”