Либија (Serbian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Либија" in Serbian language version.

Global rank Serbian rank
1st place
1st place
70th place
161st place
339th place
292nd place
97th place
49th place
1,772nd place
1,027th place
6,532nd place
6,362nd place
5th place
12th place
1,549th place
659th place
low place
3,634th place
low place
6,466th place
264th place
244th place
4,784th place
3,416th place









  • „About Libya”. Office of the Middle East Partnership Initiative. United States Department of State. 2003. Архивирано из оригинала 23. 2. 2011. г. Приступљено 27. 2. 2011. 




  • The Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations. стр. 51–55. Приступљено 11 August 2013. [1] Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (4. јул 2014)



  • The Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations. стр. 51–55. Приступљено 11 August 2013. [1] Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (4. јул 2014)
  • See e. g., the chapter "Les Loouatah" in René Basset, Le dialecte de Syouah, Paris, Leroux, 1890 (pdf text online)(p. 1–14). pp. 3: "On voit que les Lebou figurent au premier rang des barbares qui menaçaient l'Egypte du côté de l'ouest ; c'est aussi dans les régions qu'ils occupaient que les auteurs arabes placent les Loouata dont le nom correspond aux Lebou des Egyptiens, aux Loubim de la Bible, aux Levathae (грч. Λευάθαι Leváthai) de Procope et aux Ilaguaten de Corripus" ("We see that the Lebu are recorded in the first line among the barbarians who threatened Egypt on the western side; in the very regions where they dwelled, the Arab authors place the Lawata, whose name corresponds to the Egyptian Lebu, to the Lubim of the Bible, to the Levathae of Procopius and to the Ilaguaten of Corippus")
  • Clark, Nick, (July 2004), "Education in Libya". Архивирано из оригинала 08. 02. 2013. г. Приступљено 27. 2. 2011. , World Education News and Reviews. 17  (4):.
  • „About Libya”. Office of the Middle East Partnership Initiative. United States Department of State. 2003. Архивирано из оригинала 23. 2. 2011. г. Приступљено 27. 2. 2011. 
  • El-Hawat, Ali, (2000), "Country Higher Education Profiles - Libya". Архивирано из оригинала 05. 06. 2010. г. , International Network for Higher Education in Africa". 27. фебруар 2011..



  • Nyrop, Richard F. "Table 10: Governorates and Districts of Libya 1972" "Area Handbook for Libya" (2nd ed.) United States Department of the Army, Washington, DC. 1973. OCLC 713653. стр. 159., Приступљено 10. 4. 2013.

