Лудило пијанаца (Serbian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Лудило пијанаца" in Serbian language version.

Global rank Serbian rank
4th place
8th place
2nd place
4th place


  • Stern, TA; Gross, AF; Stern, TW; Nejad, SH; Maldonado, JR (2010). „Current approaches to the recognition and treatment of alcohol withdrawal and delirium tremens: "old wine in new bottles" or "new wine in old bottles".”. Primary care companion to the Journal of clinical psychiatry. 12 (3). PMID 20944765. doi:10.4088/PCC.10r00991ecr. 



  • Stern, TA; Gross, AF; Stern, TW; Nejad, SH; Maldonado, JR (2010). „Current approaches to the recognition and treatment of alcohol withdrawal and delirium tremens: "old wine in new bottles" or "new wine in old bottles".”. Primary care companion to the Journal of clinical psychiatry. 12 (3). PMID 20944765. doi:10.4088/PCC.10r00991ecr.