Cannell, Fenella; Green, Sarah (1996). „Patriarchy”. Ур.: Kuper, Adam; Kuper, Jessica. The Social Science Encyclopedia. Taylor & Francis. стр. 592—593. ISBN978-0-41-510829-4.
Gardiner, Jean (1999). „Patriarchy”. Ур.: O'Hara, Phillip A. Encyclopedia of Political Economy, Volume 2: L–Z. Routledge. стр. 843—846. ISBN978-0-41-518718-3.
Pateman, Carole (2016). „Sexual Contract”. Ур.: Naples, Nancy A. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, Volume 5. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. стр. 1—3. ISBN978-1-4051-9694-9. doi:10.1002/9781118663219.wbegss468. „The heyday of the patriarchal structures analyzed in The Sexual Contract extended from the 1840s to the late 1970s [...] Nevertheless, men's government of women is one of the most deeply entrenched of all power structures”
„patriarchy”. Oxford Dictionaries. Архивирано из оригинала 3. 11. 2018. г. Приступљено 4. 1. 2019.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
Pateman, Carole (2016). „Sexual Contract”. Ур.: Naples, Nancy A. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, Volume 5. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. стр. 1—3. ISBN978-1-4051-9694-9. doi:10.1002/9781118663219.wbegss468. „The heyday of the patriarchal structures analyzed in The Sexual Contract extended from the 1840s to the late 1970s [...] Nevertheless, men's government of women is one of the most deeply entrenched of all power structures”