Раса (категоризација људи) (Serbian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Раса (категоризација људи)" in Serbian language version.

Global rank Serbian rank
low place
low place
40th place
15th place
104th place
131st place
6th place
5th place
710th place
205th place
1st place
1st place









  • Sober 2000
  • Lee et al. 2008: "We caution against making the naive leap to a genetic explanation for group differences in complex traits, especially for human behavioral traits such as IQ scores"
  • AAA 1998: "For example, 'Evidence from the analysis of genetics (e.g., DNA) indicates that most physical variation, about 94%, lies within so-called racial groups.
  • Keita et al. 2004
  • AAPA 1996 "Pure races, in the sense of genetically homogeneous populations, do not exist in the human species today, nor is there any evidence that they have ever existed in the past."-p.714
  • Lee 1997
  • Lee 1997 citing Morgan 1975 and Appiah 1992
  • Owens & King 1999
  • King 2007: For example, "the association of blacks with poverty and welfare ... is due, not to race per se, but to the link that race has with poverty and its associated disadvantages"–p.75.
  • Schaefer 2008: "In many parts of Latin America, racial groupings are based less on the biological physical features and more on an intersection between physical features and social features such as economic class, dress, education, and context.