„The Horse Fair at Albright Knox Gallery”. Архивирано из оригинала 25. 6. 2007. г. Приступљено 27. 10. 2018.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза), sketch for the London version; the sketch for the New York version is in the Ludwig Nissen Foundation, see: C. Steckner, in: Bilder aus der Neuen und Alten Welt. Die Sammlung des Diamantenhändlers Ludwig Nissen, 1993, p. 142 and spaeth.netАрхивирано 10 октобар 2004 на сајту Wayback Machine
"The late Rosa Bonheur's relatives have been defeated in their contest over the great painter's will. It will be remembered that Miss Klumpke, the artist, was the legatee, and the courts have decided largely in her favor, all of the property, except the paintings, being awarded her, while the proceeds of the paintings, which are to be sold at auction, are to be equally divided between Miss Klumpke and the relatives." "Foreign Notes," Mark Hopkins Institute Review of Art, Sept. 1900, vol. 1 no. 2, p. 17.
Boime, Albert (децембар 1981). „THE CASE OF ROSA BONHEUR: WHY SHOULD A WOMAN WANT TO BE MORE LIKE A MAN?”. Art History. 4 (4): 384—409. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8365.1981.tb00733.x.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
Boime, Albert (децембар 1981). „The case of Rosa Bonheur: Why should a woman want to be more like a man?”. Art History. 4 (4): 384—409. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8365.1981.tb00733.x.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
Van Slyke, Gretchen (јануар 1999). „Gynocentric matrimony: The fin‐de‐siécle alliance of Rosa Bonheur and Anna Klumpke”. Nineteenth-Century Contexts. 20 (4): 489—502. PMID22039638. doi:10.1080/08905499908583461.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
Boime, Albert (децембар 1981). „The case of Rosa Bonheur: Why should a woman want to be more like a man?”. Art History. 4 (4): 384—409. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8365.1981.tb00733.x.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
Bus, Lawrence (24. 5. 2016). „The Realism of Rosa Bonheur”. Jewish Currents. Архивирано из оригинала 10. 1. 2019. г. Приступљено 9. 1. 2019.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
„10 Famous Female Painters Every Art Lover Should Know”. My Modern Met (на језику: енглески). 2019-08-30. Приступљено 2020-10-16. „She was also an open lesbian, first living with partner Nathalie Micas for over 40 years and then, after Micas' death, forging a relationship with American painter Anna Elizabeth Klumpke. By living her life openly in an era when lesbianism was disparaged by the government, Bonheur staked her claim as a groundbreaking individual both in her career and her personal life.”
Van Slyke, Gretchen (јануар 1999). „Gynocentric matrimony: The fin‐de‐siécle alliance of Rosa Bonheur and Anna Klumpke”. Nineteenth-Century Contexts. 20 (4): 489—502. PMID22039638. doi:10.1080/08905499908583461.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
„Rich, Famous and Then Forgotten: The Art of Rosa Bonheur”. The New York Times (на језику: енглески). 2022-10-17. Приступљено 2023-02-12. „But Katherine Brault, the current owner of Bonheur’s chateau, which is now a museum, says there is no proof that Bonheur was a lesbian. In another essay in the catalog, co-written with her daughter Lou, Brault characterizes Bonheur’s relationship with Micas as an “act of independence and extraordinary sisterhood.”(...)But Bonheur did not want to be a symbol for other women or for women’s rights. Asked by an American newspaper in 1859 what she thought of the women’s rights movement, she said, “Women’s rights — women’s nonsense! Women should seek to establish their rights by good and great works, and not by conventions.””
„The Horse Fair at Albright Knox Gallery”. Архивирано из оригинала 25. 6. 2007. г. Приступљено 27. 10. 2018.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза), sketch for the London version; the sketch for the New York version is in the Ludwig Nissen Foundation, see: C. Steckner, in: Bilder aus der Neuen und Alten Welt. Die Sammlung des Diamantenhändlers Ludwig Nissen, 1993, p. 142 and spaeth.netАрхивирано 10 октобар 2004 на сајту Wayback Machine
Bus, Lawrence (24. 5. 2016). „The Realism of Rosa Bonheur”. Jewish Currents. Архивирано из оригинала 10. 1. 2019. г. Приступљено 9. 1. 2019.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
„The Horse Fair at Albright Knox Gallery”. Архивирано из оригинала 25. 6. 2007. г. Приступљено 27. 10. 2018.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза), sketch for the London version; the sketch for the New York version is in the Ludwig Nissen Foundation, see: C. Steckner, in: Bilder aus der Neuen und Alten Welt. Die Sammlung des Diamantenhändlers Ludwig Nissen, 1993, p. 142 and spaeth.netАрхивирано 10 октобар 2004 на сајту Wayback Machine