Arnold, Thomas Walker (1896). The Preaching of Islam: A History of the Propagation of the Muslim Faith. Westminster: Archibald Constable and Company. стр. 206—207. Приступљено 11. 10. 2015. „Of the spread of Islam among the Tatars of Siberia, we have a few particulars. It was not until the latter half of the sixteenth century that it gained a footing in this country, but even before this period Muhammadan missionaries had from time to time made their way into Siberia with the hope of winning the heathen population over to the acceptance of their faith, but the majority of them met with a martyr's death. When Siberia came under Muhammadan rule, in the reign of Kuchum Khan, the graves of seven of these missionaries were discovered [...]. [...] Kuchum Khan [...] made every effort for the conversion of his subjects, and sent to Bukhara asking for missionaries to assist him in this pious undertaking.”
Pakendorf, B.; Novgorodov, I. N.; Osakovskij, V. L.; Danilova, A. B. P.; Protod'Jakonov, A. P.; Stoneking, M. (2006). „Investigating the effects of prehistoric migrations in Siberia: Genetic variation and the origins of Yakuts”. Human Genetics. 120 (3): 334—353. PMID16845541. S2CID31651899. doi:10.1007/s00439-006-0213-2. Овај чланак користи текст рада који је у јавном власништву.
Pakendorf, B.; Novgorodov, I. N.; Osakovskij, V. L.; Danilova, A. B. P.; Protod'Jakonov, A. P.; Stoneking, M. (2006). „Investigating the effects of prehistoric migrations in Siberia: Genetic variation and the origins of Yakuts”. Human Genetics. 120 (3): 334—353. PMID16845541. S2CID31651899. doi:10.1007/s00439-006-0213-2. Овај чланак користи текст рада који је у јавном власништву.
Pakendorf, B.; Novgorodov, I. N.; Osakovskij, V. L.; Danilova, A. B. P.; Protod'Jakonov, A. P.; Stoneking, M. (2006). „Investigating the effects of prehistoric migrations in Siberia: Genetic variation and the origins of Yakuts”. Human Genetics. 120 (3): 334—353. PMID16845541. S2CID31651899. doi:10.1007/s00439-006-0213-2. Овај чланак користи текст рада који је у јавном власништву.
„"Siberia"”. Архивирано из оригинала 24. 8. 2000. г. Приступљено 4. 6. 2008.CS1 одржавање: BOT: статус параметра оригинални-URL непознат (веза), The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition