William B. McKinnon, Randolph L Kirk (2007). „Triton”. Ур.: Lucy Ann Adams McFadden; Lucy-Ann Adams; Paul Robert Weissman; Torrence V. Johnson. Encyclopedia of the Solar System (2nd изд.). Amsterdam; Boston: Academic Press. стр. 483–502. ISBN0120885891.
McKinnon, William B.; Kirk, Randolph L. (2014). „Triton”. Ур.: Tilman Spohn; Doris Breuer; Torrence Johnson. Encyclopedia of the Solar System (3rd изд.). Amsterdam; Boston: Elsevier. стр. 861—882. ISBN978-0-12-416034-7.
„In Depth | Triton”. NASA Solar System Exploration. Архивирано из оригинала 17. 08. 2018. г. Приступљено 2020-02-08. „NASA's Voyager 2―the only spacecraft to fly past Neptune and Triton―found surface temperatures of -391degrees Fahrenheit (-235 degrees Celsius). During its 1989 flyby, Voyager 2 also found Triton has active geysers, making it one of the few geologically active moons in our solar system.”
„In Depth | Triton”. NASA Solar System Exploration. Архивирано из оригинала 17. 08. 2018. г. Приступљено 2020-02-08. „NASA's Voyager 2―the only spacecraft to fly past Neptune and Triton―found surface temperatures of -391degrees Fahrenheit (-235 degrees Celsius). During its 1989 flyby, Voyager 2 also found Triton has active geysers, making it one of the few geologically active moons in our solar system.”