Strong, James (på engelska). The exhaustive concordance of the Bible: showing every word of the text of the common English version of the canonical books, and every occurrence of each word in regular order : together with a key-word comparison of selected words and phrases in the King James version with five leading contemporary translations : also brief dictionaries of the Hebrew and Greek words of the original, with references to the English words (1. ed., 39. pr.). Nashville: Abingdon. Libris5132772. ISBN 0-687-40030-9, avd. 'Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary Accompanying the Exhaustive Concordance', s. 8.
Levander, Hans (1994). Vem är vem i böckernas värld: litterära gestalter från A till Ö (Ny, rev. uppl.). Stockholm: Rabén Prisma. sid. 7. Libris7407960. ISBN 91-518-2698-4