B-cell (Swedish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "B-cell" in Swedish language version.

Global rank Swedish rank
5th place
9th place
low place
low place


  • http://www.albrecht-kossel-institut.de/en/4_publications/2006/Mix_J_Neurol_2006.pdf page V/12 top-left column "In 1954 Bruce Glick and co-workers [5] observed by accident a missing Ab pro- duction to Salmonalle typhimurium in chicken after re- moval of the bursa, suggesting that bursa-derived lym- phocytes are responsible for Ab formation. Based on this finding and due to the fact that in some rodents and in all primates the bone marrow was identified as bursa- equivalent organ, the term “B cell” was introduced to distinguish the cells responsible for the humoral im- mune response from the later recognized thymus-de- rived lymphocytes (T cells), which are responsible for the cellular immunity."
